Found her

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Ruhani's eyes slowly opened, and she felt her head pounding painfully. She was disorientated and confused, not knowing where she was now.

She tried to move but found that her body was weak and that she couldn't move freely. She was scared and overwhelmed with uncertainty, not knowing what was going to happen to her next.

Ruhani hands were tied up and restrained. The two men talking nearby appeared to be thieves and had a menacingly frightening presence about them as she hears them.

"This girl is beautiful And I'm sure that's why our Master Choose her to be his wife Afterall he wasn't able to marry Hind princess because he knows that yuvraj Rudra will tear him from between if he tried to lay his eyes on His sister but he Kidnapped princess beautiful Best friend." First man spoke

"Yes that's true Kaal our Master gets everything whatever he wants and Now Our work is Just to look at this girl while master is a little away to make marriage preparations." Second guy spoke

Ruhani's heart raced with fear as she realized her predicament. She was in trouble and there was no one to help her out of this mess.

Ruhani's closed her eyes as she managed to grab the knife from nearby. She slowly cut the rope as she carefully managed to get free without making any noise. She needed to remain as quiet and undetected as possible in order to escape from the dangerous situation.

As She started to walk back slowly & When accidentally Her foot fall on leaf making Noise Her heart sank when she accidentally made noise.

She had been so Careful to move silently and unnoticed, but this sudden noise was enough to alert the two men that something was happening.

Ruhani's quick thinking and actions saved her from being captured. She took the opportunity to take the sword which was on side and hit one of the men with it, taking him by surprise and giving herself an advantage.

The second man was taken aback by Ruhani's sudden attack and took a moment to process the situation.

Ruhani was incredibly quick and skillful in her maneuvers. She was able to parry the attack of the second man and struck him in the neck instantly, taking down the second attacker before he could launch another attack on her.

As She realize that she had taken down two men but there might be more of them waiting to ambush her and the guy who kidnapped her and waiting to marry her.

Ruhani saw the horse and quickly managed to mount the horse. Once seated, she whipped the horse and sped off into the night, determined to get away and put as much distance as possible between herself and the bandits.

As now she Was travelling to get back to her home Since days As she was now so exhausted eating just fruits.

she stop on a lake for some water but as she was about to drink water her exhaustion finally caught up to her as her head spun and she felt herself about to pass out.

Before she could fall to the ground, someone caught her. She couldn't see the
person's face in her exhausted and weakened state.

It was unclear who this person was but she just hoped it was not another person trying to hurt her.

After a little while she opened her eyes as She look around just to find most unexpected figure and it was none other than Our Rudra.

She stared at him in surprise and disbelief as she absorbed this unexpected turn of events. Rudra had appeared out of nowhere as she wondered why now.

Rudra and her eyes met as he immediately walked towards her and spoke.

"Are you okay???"

Rudra's concerned tone as Ruhani nodded weakly, relieved but still shaken by the recent events. "I'm okay," she managed to croak out as she tried to compose herself again.

"Do you even know What could have happened to you if you drink that lake water it was Poisonous You could have died." He spoke as Ruhani looked at him and Remembered his harsh words he Said
Tears come in her eyes as she looked away spoke.

"Nothing would have happened, at best
I would have died...who cares... Your Ego was too big that you didn't even Realized the time I was getting Kidnapped You were leaving from there throwing your harsh words on my face and didn't even care to look back."

A wave of regret and Shock washed over Rudra as he realised that everything had happened behind his back.

"I...I'm sorry I didn't know that you got kidnapped that t..time I'm sorry........," he whispered to her. "but everyone is worried about you. And I promised Badshah Ibrahim to bring you back safely to Turkey and that's how I had to come and find you and pay back my mistake from not saving you ."

"oh please I can protect myself and I can also take myself back to my Sultanata
I don't need your Help Yuvaraj." Ruhani spoke as She didn't called him Rudra but Yuvraj.

Rudra felt shocked by Ruhani's words, but he knew they were coming from a place of pain and trauma. He didn't want to push her or make her feel helpless and dependent on him. Instead, he chose to respond gently and calmly.

"You can't even stand fainted
I mean just look at your State anything can happen to you and as I said I have promised your Family to bring you back," he spoke slowly, maintaining eye contact.

Ruhani replied

" You're a stubborn girl and would never agree to come back with me. Which is why I'm going to carry you now."

"huh?? Whattt Nooo...!" Ruhani spoke But before she can say anything else Rudra carried her and Started walking towards their horse.

"How can you do this I promise I can take care of myself please put me down." she said hitting his chest But Rudra was not affected as He kept walking.

"No can do, sorry." Rudra replied calmly yet firmly, refusing to give in or change his stance.

He understood her unwillingness to depend on him, but he would never risk leaving her alone in the wilderness where anything could happen to her.

When the duo reached the horse, Rudra gently set down Ruhani to put an end to her protest as he spoke.

"Raghukul Reet sada chali Aayi pradh jaye
par vachan na jaye humne Aapke pariwar ko Vachan Diya hai ke hum Aapko wapis Aapki Sultanat le kar aayengey toh bas Hum wahi kar rahe hai."

His words were a reminder of the importance of fulfilling His promises and not going back on his words, which Rudra was following.

Ruhani seemed to understand the wisdom of his statement, and she didn't respond to it directly but instead shifted her focus to the current circumstance.

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