Chapter Eleven

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(Here's the next chapter..Enjoy!..The feels up ahead a little background into Eren's past.)

(Eren's pov)

After a couple of hours we ended up at the studio. It was one of the empty duet rooms Hanji had in the back that we're dancing in.

We made our way there, Levi started the music and we were practicing before you knew it. Levi taught me the basics how to spin, dip, hold, even how our feet should be moving, it wasn't until 8th time when I finally got everything right. Levi congratulated me, it felt nice for once, to have someone to feel proud of you.

I was never like that as a child. My father was somewhat abusive with my mother and I. When I did good things, he never told me how proud he was to have me as a son. He was always busy with his work. He was a doctor, he worked with mental patients. He would come home sometimes drunk and completely out of it. He would get violent.

My mother on the other hand was silent most times. She would clean, cook, you know, do what most moms would do.....protect her children.

The funny thing is, is I don't think they died like they did. I think there's a story behind it. But I'd rather not get into that. It happened a long time ago.

I do miss them..alot.


So. Levi and I kept practicing our dances until the deadline of the competition.

And not once did I regret anything.

(A/N Sorry for the shortest but just trust me. The next chapter will be looonnnggg so be looking for that. I'll see you later Byyee~~)

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