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As the sunrays were spreading all over the room from the window and the curtains of that room were freely floating due to the soft windy breeze, someone was still unaware of the morning chaos and was sleeping in her own lala land.
As the alarm from her night stand rang she got up with a jolt after few minutes.
"Thank you bhagwan ji... I woke up on time today now let's quickly get ready for the office before I again get late..... office...." and with that she remembered the previous incident of her in her office.

Mrunali was already late as she has to give the reports and samples of new designs to her project designer means Atharav. She was walking or we can say running towards his cabin when in between she halted her steps when a staff stops her and said "Mrunali can you please give this coffee to Atharva sir as I have to attend the meeting with Trisha mam and it's already late..." He said to her in one go.
"Ofcourse whatever helps you to get out from her wranth..." saying this she chuckled and took the cup and again run towards the cabin.
As she entered there she met only with silence. She went near the table where many papers brushes and colours were spread she was admiring the mess created by him when suddenly a deep voice made her flinch...
"Are you sneaking in my cabin without my permission?" Atharva asked in his deep voice.
And with that flich the coffee in her hand spill out all over the table in front of her.
"What the actual....." Atharva roared to her.
"Sorry... sorry sir I will clear it..." Mrunali said in her panic tone.
Atharva closed his eyes in frustration as he gritted his teeth in frustration and open his eyes only to find Mrunali cleaning the desk with tissue papers.
"It's of no use they are already ruined.." he said controlling his anger to not burst out on her.
"It's just a little stain sir... other than it it's fine..."
"I don't like stains... I love perfection in my work.. understood Miss Mrunali? ..and throw out everything from this table including the colours they will stink ..." saying this he turned towards his chair.
"I will pay for it sir...for your colours" Mrunali said keeping her gaze stuck to the ground.
"Oh really! miss clumsy do you even know the price of them..?..they were my personal not this company's product " Atharva said and again got ingrosed in his work.
"Ofcourse I will " Mrunali said but this time directly looking towards him.
"Kitna hi costly hogaa .." she whispered under her breath.
"As you wish they were winsor and Newton water colour worth of Rs.14000 ok..." Atharav said still looking inside his work but when he got no reply he raised his head and look at Mrunali who was still in shock he shook his head at her antics and said,"Now don't stand here like statue call the staff and make sure to clean this mess and as soon as possible report me the new designs."

Flashback ends

Mrunali was getting ready remembering the previous incidents from her office.
After getting satisfied with her looks she took sometime from the drawer and put it in her bag and went downstairs.

After getting satisfied with her looks she took sometime from the drawer and put it in her bag and went downstairs

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                     Her look
As she was descending she got a call from her mother.
(M- Mrunali. H- her mother)
M- pranam mumma how are you all?
H- fine beta... how's your work going on when are you coming back....did you eat your breakfast...how is...
M- shant...shant mata shri..and yes my work is going fantastic and it's new joining so no holiday so soon and I will do my breakfast in the office canteen cause I am late that's why I will also talk to you in the evening. Bye bye mumma love you all.

With that she went out her apartment after locking it she went to her office.

She stops at a bakery shop between her office and buys a cake...
"Itna expensive tha..meri Aaru hoti free me de deti but her bakery is too far to go now.." she huffed and paid for the cake and went to her office.

She was early today from usual she went towards Atharva cabin put that cake and a tiny canvas painted by her on his table and put a stickey note on it which shows "sorry" on it.

After 15 minutes
Mrunali was going to have her breakfast and as she took first morsel towards her lips a boy came running towards her. He was panting heavily.
"Mrunali Atharva sir is calling you immediately in his cabin." saying this he took the glass of water kept on the table and drink it in one go.
Mrunali left immediately from there and went to his cabin and banged inside.
"When are you going to learn the manner of knocking?" Atharva asked in his low calm tone.
Before Mrunali could say anything he again speak in his deadly cold voice which make Mrunali shiver.
"What is all this?" He pointed towards his table where a little canvas a cake and a stickey note was kept.

"What is all this?" He pointed towards his table where a little canvas a cake and a stickey note was kept

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"It's for the apology sir

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"It's for the apology sir.." Mrunali said in her extremely low voice if his cabin was not so quite it will be hard to even listen her.

"JUST SHUT UP..." Atharva roared making her fliched. Tears formed in her eyes.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELF I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT I LIKE MY THINGS PERFECT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND..." He again yelled on her face. The whole staff on that floor came running outside his cabin after hearing his voice.
"Listen and listen very carefully don't you dare to repeat this stunts with me any soon or anytime in future. Be professional with me in the work because if I used my unprofessional ways to handle your mistakes then you will definitely not like the outcomes of that... UNDERSTAND?" saying this he go towards his table.
"Yes sir...." Mrunali said controlling the tears which were already flowing from her eyes.
Atharav kept his both hands on the end of the table and splashed everything down from the table in one go.."NOW GET OUT" he roared to her.
"So... sorry sir.." she was going towards him when her a pen came under her feet and she feel down near her table and the broken paperweight stuck on her palms, she hissed in pain but again got scared when Atharav spoke again his back was facing her...and he further speak his his deadly voice.
"I said get out don't you get that just go away from here before I do something for which we you regret your decision later."
Mrunali got up and ran outside the cabin wiping her tears with her palms. Blood was dripping from her right palm but she was too broken and humiliated to feel that pain for now.

(I know ending thodi cheesy ho gyi but... isn't it fictional then bear with it...)

So this was today's update
I hope you like it.

Bye bye...

I will update soon.

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