The Raid and The Machine

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"Different Language (Translated)"

December 7, 2016, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii

At first glance, one would understandably assume things were calm around Pearl Harbor, but then they'd be wrong. In a secret base hidden in the high mountains around the former United States naval base, a secret battle raged between the forces of Hydra and the Avengers. Gunfire rang out as bullets flew around, only to either be dodged or deflected by a respective Avenger. The Avengers fought hard and fast as they pushed through the Hydra soldiers, clearing out the base until they reached the central laboratory, where they found a strange device. However, they didn't have the time to focus on the device as they needed to get the remaining Hydra soldiers dealt with.

"All right, Avengers, we're on the last home stretch," Said Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, giving an order to his team. "Black Widow and I will secure the labs here. Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk, the three of you are to move on the command center, while Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, and Vision are to capture the armory!

"If we capture the armory, then Hydra's ability to fight will be nullified," Captain America finished. "While taking their command center, will cut off the head of the snake."

"But Cap, why hold the labs?" Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man, asked. "I don't see much reason to hold them."

Steve could see where Tony was coming from, and he understood why Stark was making the argument. However, prior to their attack, Captain America had studied the layout of the Hydra base.

"Because if we maintain control of the lab, we can keep the remaining Hydra soldiers from preventing us from capturing this base." Captain America replied, shifting his vibranium shield from his left arm to his right.

Iron Man thought about what his team leader was telling him, and after a moment's thought, he concluded that Captain America was right. Whoever controlled the central laboratories effectively won the battle, so the Avengers needed to hold the labs in order for the others to capture the critical areas for success. Stark nodded to the Captain and gestured for his teammates to follow him. Iron Man's team turned right towards the command center. In contrast, Hawkeye's team took the left path to capture the armory, and Captain America and Black Widow stayed in the labs, prepared to fend off any Hydra soldiers attempting to take them back.

As Steve and Natasha Romanov, known as the Black Widow, kept a close eye out for any Hydra soldiers, the Spy Avenger couldn't help but notice the strange device in the corner. She didn't know what the contraption was for, but it gave her a bad feeling, especially since neither Stark nor Vision had the time to study it. As for Bruce Banner, he was currently not in the best mood (literally) to work on it until the base was captured, and he had a chance to calm down from Hulk form. Feeling displeased with not knowing what the Hydra device was for, Black Widow turned to her friend, team leader, and fiancé.

"Steve, what do you think Hydra plans to do with that thing?" Natasha asked, prompting the First Avenger to look at the device. "I mean, I realize that with it being Hydra tech, it obviously can't be anything good."

Captain America looked at the odd machine closely while keeping his ears open for any sound of stomping footsteps. His eyes traveled over the gadget, noting how it looked like a doorframe but lacking the door. Naturally, in their arrogance, Hydra had their symbol of a skull and tentacles emblazoned on it, but even so, Steve also wanted to know what it was for. Unfortunately, he knew from experience with the vile organization that he fought against since World War II that patience needed to be maintained before they could learn what it was and what it was being used for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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