Chapter 23 - Truth

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A/N: I'm back!! I had a holiday job and made lotsa money 😸


Warm sunlight was peeking through the doors of the Rengoku estate as Kyojuro opened his eyes. Leaves where rustling outside as he looked around, the sound like a comforting melody composed by nature. He was sitting in front of his father, who was lying down on his futon, reading a book. Confusion washed through Kyojuro. What was he doing here? After blinking a few times, he remembered. He came to tell his father about his promotion. That he became a pillar. And.. there was something else. The man happily told his father the good news, his smile as bright as ever. The news about his promotion and.. his engagement. However, his fathers reaction wasn't exactly the one he had hoped for.

„And? What about it. Then you're a pillar. Makes no difference. Do you think I care? That doesn't mean anything. Neither you nor I can achieve anything in this world. And about that engagement.. I don't care what you do. You can go marry yourself off."

Kyojuro's heart sank to his stomach at his fathers words. They hurt, of course, but he had gotten used to them. A sigh left his lips as he got up. Maybe this had been a bad idea after all. Leaving his fathers room, the man walked through the courtyard. Two voices could be heard around the next corner. A cheerful one and a gentle one.

„Do you think my big brother will become the strongest pillar? I bet he will!"

A soft chuckle could be heard.

„Oh I bet he will! Your brother is very strong, Senjuro."

The boyish voice spoke up again.

„He is! I hope he'll teach me everything once I'm old enough! Then I will become a pillar! Just like him!"

A small smile made its way onto Kyojuro's features. Those voices.. they belonged to the two people who kept him afloat in the ocean of chaos that he called his life. His little brother and his soon-to-be wife, Y/N. Both looked at him, Y/N's expression gentle and loving, while Senjuro's was filled with excitement.

„And? What did Father say? Was he proud? Do you think he'll be proud of me as well if I work as hard as you?"

Kyojuro let out a small sigh, locking eyes with his fiancée, who gave him a knowing look. He had told her of his family issues, every single detail. And he knew that she would always share his burden and be there for him. This was why he loved her so endlessly. She understood him. She understood the weight of a promise to protect. Walking up to the two, Kyojuro placed a gentle kiss on his beloved's forehead, exactly where her little, purple diamond mark was located. His lips lingered against her skin for a few seconds before he pulled back and looked down at his brother. Senjuro had it much worse than him. With no memory of their mother, who had died much to early due to her illness and his father in this state.. His gaze softened as he saw Y/N pat the young boys head, making him look up at her. The woman gave a gentle smile, one of those that made Kyojuro feel warm all over, like he had been embraced by a warm hug. When they first met, Y/N rarely smiled. But over the years, he got to see this beautiful expression much more often. She would make the perfect wife. And maybe.. one day, they'd have a family of their own. Maybe even children.. Kyojuro smiled at the thought. He slowly got on his knees, patting Senjuro's shoulder.

„Senjuro.. I don't want to lie to you. Father didn't care. He'll never care. But that doesn't matter. Trust me, that won't make me loose my passion! The flame within my heart will never stop burning. And the most important thing is.. you are not me. You are you. And I am proud to be your big brother. I know you will become an amazing person, no matter what path you'll choose. The most important thing is that you do it with determination. Let's live our lives. And remember, you're never alone as long as I live."

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