MediScout [Lemon]

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As Scout ran down the hallway, full of adrenaline from the Atomic Punch, he spots Medic sitting alone in the cafeteria.

Medic chuckled softly to himself as he watched his team mate rush off down the corridor.

They lock eyes for a second before quickly looking away.

Medic, being observant, noticed the slight blush on Scout's cheeks as they looked away from one another.

A small smile formed on Medic's face as he pretended not to notice even though he couldn't help but have his attention caught by such a pleasing sight.

Medic watched as Scout disappeared down the hall and as Scout was out of sight completely, Medic began to contemplate the situation.

He knew there was something between them. However, neither of them had ever made a move or said anything outright.

Medic quietly stood up from his seat, gathering his things placing them into his satchel then made his way down the hallway towards the direction Scout ran.

With each step, he felt the tension inside himself rise, until finally, he saw Scout standing just ahead of him.

Scout jumped slightly as he turned to see Medic approaching him.

Medic was able to suppress the big smile that threatened to spread across his face as he saw Scout's reaction. He wanted to make it clear that he had no intention of taking the interaction in this direction, so he kept his own voice and demeanor as casual as possible.

"Hello, Scout." he said, keeping a slight distance between them.

"Oh Ah.. Hey there, Doc." Scout replied with a nervous expression.

Scout, trying to avoid making eye contact with Medic, felt butterflies in his stomach, but tried his best to remain calm.

Medic had to admit that Scout looked rather cute like this. With his cheeks flushed, head lowered, and hands fidgeting in front of him.

Without realizing it, Medic began to move a little closer towards Scout.

Scout was suddenly aware of the feeling of Medic moving towards him.

Scout froze in place, his heart skipping a beat. It was both a terrifying and exhilarating sensation to have Medic this close to him.

Scout took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, as he did, he caught the hint of Medic's cologne, it left him wanting to get much closer.

Scout stepped closer to Medic, until he was standing mere inches away from him. It was enough to make Medic's heart pound, but he was able to keep calm.

Without thinking, Medic reached out, placing his hands on Scout's hips, and pulling him in, their bodies embracing.

Scout couldn't help but let out a small gasp as he felt Medic's hands on his hips, pulling him closer.

Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around Medic's neck, the sudden proximity between them causing his heart rate to spike.

Medic held Scout close, taking in the feel of his body pressed against his.

They stood there for a moment, neither of them wanting to let go of the other.

After a few moments, Medic broke the silence, his voice still soft and casual.
"Can I ask you zomething?" he asked.

Scout looked up at the medic, he nodded in response, feeling his face heating up.

"Do you mind if I-," Medic began, leaving the end of the question unsaid.

Scout did not need another word, the heat coursing through his body telling him exactly what Medic had in mind.

Without hesitation, he gave a brief nod, not taking his eyes away from Medic.

With Scout's permission, Medic slowly brought his face even closer to his.

Their noses were almost touching, and Medic could see the blush in Scout's cheeks.

Medic closes the last couple of inches between them and pressed his lips to Scout's.

Scout couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he felt Medic's lips pressing against his own. He wrapped his arms even tighter around Medic's neck, refusing to let him go.

Medic's hands gripped tight around Scout's waist as they broke apart. They both stood there, catching their breath, their hearts racing.

Medic remained silent for a moment as he tried to get his breath back.

"Medic," Scout began, his voice barely more than a whisper, "can i ask you something?"

"Ya?" Medic responded. Scout took a deep breath, his voice still barely above a whisper as he asked. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"

Medic let out a small chuckle as he looked down at Scout. "Actually I do but-," he said, smiling softly, "I can make time for you."

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