⊹ ࣪ ˖ SLT's

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season 1 #episode 1

⇢ ˗ˏˋ anyway, don't be a stranger ࿐ྂ




"Will the following students please meet at Classroom 5D:
Amerie Wadia
Harper McLean
Sasha So
Missy Beckett
Dustin Reid
Spencer White
Anthony Vaughn
Junia Miller
Darren Rivers
Quinn Gallagher-Jones
Douglas Piggott
Malakai Mitchell"

"What the hell? We just got that stupid lecture like an hour ago!" Junia complained, as she went to grab her bag, but Ant already had it in his hand and started walking.
"Ant wait oh my god!" She was basically running now, catching up with Ant.

They took a seat at the back of the classroom, alongside Spider and Dusty, as Cash entered the classroom. "Come on, Douglas!" Mrs Woodsy said, with her dog in her arms and a scolding look on her face.

"Oi, eshay bah!" The guys next to June chanted, "How was stereo, brah?" Cash just showed them the finger, while June crossed her arms, annoyed. Sometimes she forgot that her friends can be annoying arseholes.

"So, you guys coming to the cemetery tomorrow?" Dusty asked them, leaning forward. "Sure, I'll just have to look out for my mum, I hope she won't be watching me like a hawk." Junia let out a sigh. "Yeah me too." "It's gonna be a rager!" Dusty dapped Ant up, but was interrupted by Darren.
"Oi, uh, what's the cemetery?"
"None ya biz, bong water!" "Spider shut up! Uh we're having a party at that one cemetery near the beach." June gave them a slight smile, "Thanks sis!" Darren responded gladly, and turned around again.

"Okay. Settle down. Thank you:" Mrs Woodsy put down her dog, and pointed to a dark skinned woman next to her. "Who's that?" Junia asked the boys next to her, but they just shrugged.
"Hi everyone, I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo.. Kinda like 'Yo-Yo' but J." The woman cringed at her own words, and chuckled awkwardly. "I'm an english teacher, so I know some of you."
"Ah, June, that's why you don't know her, you always skip english class!" Dusty laughed, and Junia scoffed amusedly. "Probably to fuck Ant or something, we all saw those crazy lines on the map!" "Can you piss right off Spider? You don't know shit!" June rarely got angry, but right now she was really pissed. He has no idea when or what happened between her and Ant, and he had no right to comment on any of it. "Jeez, sorry!" Spider just huffed a laugh, earning a glare from Ant.

Sometimes June wondered, why she was friends with Spider. He was nice when it was just them four, sure, but whenever they were in public, he always made some stupid comments about her, and it played with her patience.

Miss Obah continued introducing her new class, which was a sexual literacy tutorial, or something like that.
"SLT. So we're sluts?" as soon as these words left Darren's mouth, the whole class was booming with laughter, Dusty clapping loudly.

Miss Obah looked shooked, though she quickly masked her emtions. "This class will go back to the basics on sex and-" Miss Woodsy's voice stopped hers.

"Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in that department."

"It'll happen twice a week, in your own time."
The whole class broke out in complaints.
Ant and Junia gave each other a look. "They're crazy, man!"

"Until we judge that you started to respect each other and yourslves, and you've gotta attend every class or it will go on your permanent record."

"wait we have permanent records?" Ant had a confused look on his face, to which June let out a quiet laugh and pulls his cap down, so his view is blinded. He took it off, and placed it on top of her head.

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