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„Come on. I want you to meet someone." Harvey Specter said after approaching Mike's desk, tapping his finger against it before walking away.

The young associate frowned and quickly went to follow, tripping over his own feet as he tried to catch up with Harvey. It gained quite the attention as he smiled nervously, quickly joining his boss' side as they walked through the hallways.

„So, uh." Mike said, causing Harvey to cast him a glance from the corner of his eye. „Where are we going, exactly?" he asked, frowning when he realized that they were coming near the man's office.

„To meet someone." Harvey repeated himself and smirked smugly at the annoyed expression on Mike's face.

They approached an office that was just to the right of Harvey's one. Donna looked up from her computer and smiled at them, already knowing why did Harvey bring Mike there. The freshly promoted senior partner opened the glass door and walked in, leaving Mike to follow after him like a lost puppy. The younger man quickly looked at the name on the door - Gwendolyn Quinn, Senior Partner.

The office was huge, similar in size to Harvey's, but smaller than Jessica's. The walls were painted a dark brown, perfectly matching with the wooden floor in a slightly darker shade. In the middle stood a large desk with papers scattered all over it and a laptop in the centre. The office smelled of vanilla and grapes, the smell holding a sense of comfort and warmth.

More to the left, there was a wall-wide bookshelf with almost as many books as the firm's library had. In the middle of it proudly stood a gramophone.

On the opposite wall there was an impressive collection of vinyls, hung up on the wall and surrounding a Harvard diploma. Under the wall laid a light carpet on which stood a couch, two armchairs and a coffee table. Finally, in one of the armchairs sat a woman.

Mike scanned her over, taking in how relaxed she seemed as she sipped on her wine and flipped through the files resting on her lap. She wore a black, pencil dress with matching high heels, white fur jacket covering her bare shoulders.

The woman's brown hair was curly and fell down her back, few strands framing her face softly. Her perfectly painted nails drummed against the arm of the chair she was sitting in as she hummed quietly, frowning slightly as her eyes scanned over the paper that she held in her hands.

„Queenie." Harvey spoke up with a smile as he took a few steps closer, sticking his hands into the pockets of his pants. The woman's head perked up, her striking brown eyes scanning over the two men before a smile broke out on her face.

„Hi!" she exclaimed, and after putting her glass down on the table, stood up and approached the two. She looked over at Mike cautiously before looking to Harvey with a questioning look. „Who's that?"

„That's Mike Ross. Mike, meet Gwendolyn Quinn, our senior partner and my personal partner in crime." he said with a smirk, putting a hand on the woman's shoulder. Mike sent her a small smile and extended his hand for her to shake, which she did with a smile even wider than his.

„It's nice to meet you." he said genuinely, shaking her hand. Gwen gave him a reassuring smile before retreating her arm and joining her hands together.

„I heard it was Harvey's new associate's first day. I was wondering when will you show up." she said softly and Mike went to say something, but stopped when he realized that Harvey was gone. He frowned while Gwen grinned, amused at his expression. „Come on, sit. Tell me about yourself." she waved her hand at him, returning to the armchair she was sitting in before.

„What's there to tell?" he chuckled, taking a seat next to her. Gwen rose her eyebrows, making Mike shift nervously in his chair.

„Maybe start with how was Harvard?" she suggested, picking her glass of wine up and taking a sip, her eyes burning holes into Mike's head. He rubbed his hands nervously, but quickly composed himself and smiled. The action however, didn't go unnoticed by Gwen, who did a mental note to ask Harvey about it later.

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