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„So, Gwen." Mike started, taking a seat across from her. The woman looked up and quirked an eyebrow at him. „How come you don't have an associate?"

„I'm waiting for my sister to finish Harvard. Then I'll have one." she explained, pointing her chin to a photograph standing on her desk. Mike picked it up and scanned it - there was Gwen, her left arm wrapped around a taller man's waist, while the right was draped over a shorter blonde's shoulders. On the other side of the man stood a curly haired boy, leaning against the taller man's side.

„Those are your siblings?" he asked, taking his time to analyze every person in the picture, immediately seeing their similarities.

„Yes. The tallest one's name is Sam, he's the oldest. Then there's Danny, the youngest, and Izzy. You should probably know her face, she started Harvard the year you finished." Gwen said with a gentle smile, making Mike's shoulders tense slightly. „Something's wrong?"

„No, uh..." he hesitated, making Gwen frown. „I must've forgotten, it's a big school after all, you know." he chuckled nervously. The woman narrowed her eyes at him with suspicion. A tense silence fell between the two before Gwen spoke up.

„I need to go. Close the door after you." she said and grabbed her coat, giving Mike one final smile and storming out. The younger man breathed out shakily and slowly put the picture down before walking out, hoping that he imagined the cold feeling that washed over him.

„Sam, hi." Gwen greeted with a smile, gladly accepting the hug from her older brother.

„I've missed you." he mumbled, not letting go for another few minutes. The siblings enjoyed each other's presence until a cold voice interrupted them.

„Gwendolyn." the brunette sighed and slowly pulled away from the comfort of her brother's arms and faced their mother, who stood behind Sam with her arms folded over her chest.

„Hi, mom." she forced a smile, which the woman didn't return.

„Such an interesting necklace you got there, really." Mandy said with venom lacing her voice, eyeing the necklace that was given to her by Harvey.

„Thanks. I'm glad you like it." she responded with coldness in her tone, already used to her mother's passive aggressive way of being. „Is Izzy in her room by any chance?"

„Yes." Mandy said and turned around, heading to the dining room. „The dinner will be ready in ten."

„Bitch." Gwen muttered under her breath, making Sam chuckle and nudge her with his shoulder. „Did she say anything about your jacket yet?"

„Of course she did. Why do you think I still have it on?" he teased, making her laugh and head towards her sister's room. She passed by her own old bedroom, stopping briefly and placing a hand on the door. With a sigh, she continued down the hall until she reached Izzy's room.

„Hey, Izzy?" Gwen asked and knocked. She walked in and smiled at the blonde who sat on her bed, surrounded by papers.

„What's up?" Izzy asked, placing the file she was holding down. Gwen hesitated before sitting down on the floor, wrapping her arms around her legs.

„What do you know about Mike Ross?" she started, and finally looked up at her sister. Izzy stared at her with a frown, before shaking her head.

„I don't know a Mike Ross." she said calmly, and Gwen felt a cold feeling washing over her body. „Gwen?"

„Yeah, never mind. Do you need some help with that?" she forced the newly found information about Mike into the back of her mind as she looked at the files her sister had on her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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