Top of My School

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Artist: Gressia (on Pintrest)

Fun Fact: My teacher once told me that in titles "you don't capitalize the word unless it has more than four letters" and I still think it's total bs to this day. But it makes sense, ig

°•°New Zealand°•°

Dad walked into my room with a stern face, "We need to talk."

I looked up from my studies. I was currently working on finishing up this round of highschool. It was a requirement that we go through highschool at least once every decade to keep up with the times.

The only one who didn't have to was Amelia, but it was different with her. We were all treated our physical age.

Mattie was 19, so he didn't have to go through highschool, but college was a must.

My closest brother, Australia, was about 17, and I was the loner at 15.

Amelia was off doing her own thing at 25 so I never really saw her. It sucked because she was my only sister.

Of course you had all of Dad's other colonies, but they were borderline disowned after all of their revolutions. Us four were the only ones who weren't and that was mostly for economical support. It was also good for our parents image if they had kids. It was also good for their image that all of their kids are successful.

That's another thing that sucked: the pressure. We almost had to be perfect because we were the embodiment of their parenting, of them. If we werent perfect, that damaged their reputation. And if it damaged their reputation, it made them mad. And get the point.

Dad cleared his through. "Ya?" I asked, only partially paying attention.

"I said we need to talk."

"Then speak." It's not like I intended to be mean, but the upcoming exam was putting a lot of pressure on me.

He scowled. "You will respect me."

I put my pencil down and faced towards him with my back straightened. No matter how old he might look, he could still punish us. For one thing, the cane he carried around was pure steel, and he could always just throw us away.

"Better," his face stayed the same. "We need to talk about your social life."

I raised an eyebrow. I didn't have one, and I spent all of my time studying. What could possibly be up with my social life?

"You need to make more friends."

Something in me told me said no. I didn't need people. I didn't need friends.


"No? I am your father and you will do as I say. You need friends to preserve your image. They could-,"



I sighed, "I'm sorry."

He ignored me, but stopped counting, "I just don't understand your problem with people. Name one thing wrong with people. Scratch that, name three."

"Some people live the life that was given while some people just get by. Some people never learn how to be driven, and some people don't even try."

He looked slightly impressed, "All fair reasons, but some people know what their heart desires. Some people lead with a passionate fire, and some people know that they're destined to fly. Not everyone is apart of your "some people". If you don't start making friends, I'll start expecting more from you. No more missing exams and no more staying after school."

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