Ain't No

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Artist: Mexico (on Pintrest)


After an exhausting meeting in America, me and Ireland decided to go out for drinks.

Now, I'll admit me and Ireland aren't on the best terms, but I'll also admit that I'm trying to repair the relationship a little bit.

I sigh. It wasn't going well. So far, all we've really done is sit and drink. I mean, we could have at least talked as we sat there.

While we were just sitting there, doing basically nothing, France decided to show up. Oh how lucky I am.

"What are you two boys doing?" She asked as she sat down next to me.

Ireland stayed silent, so I answered, "Not much."

I heard the door open again. I turned to look.

Of course, it's not common to see someone who looked country in the middle of New York, but...

There she was.

Boots, hat, shorts and all.

She joined up with a group of giggling girls and started to giggle too.

Man, she was so pretty...

Especially when she laughed...

"Britain?" France giggled.

I didn't move my eyes as she stole her friends drink and took a sip, "Yes?"

"What're you lookin' at?" Ireland butted in.

I tore my eyes from her and looked at them, "Huh?"

France looked between me and the woman I had my eyes on. It took her a second, but unfortunately she caught on.

"Do you have something you wanna tell us?" She grinned.


"Really," she gave a knowing look to Ireland. He stared at her for two seconds before returning to his drink.

She scoffed, "Whatever. Now, Britain, just go over there and ask her out."

"No," I replied nonchalantly, or...what I hope sounded nonchalant. See, I'd say on a scale of one to ten, I was a solid seven. Eight on a good day.

She was an eleven and a half.

"Why not? I'll buy you a drink to bring to her!" She whines.

"What if she rejects me?" I blurted, not really meaning to.

"Come on! The worst she can say is no," she countered, rolling her eyes.

I fiddled with my fingers for a second, "Fine."

France bought me the shot and gave her final words of encouragement before I set off.

I walked with concentrated steps, slowly making my way over there in my suit. Her friends stopped laughing when they saw me.

I tapped her shoulder, "Hey-- I...uh, saw you from my seat over there." I pointed back at France and Ireland, "And I thought you looked really nice--"

By now I was a blushing mess, and she had a look of disgust on her face.

"Imma stop you there. Sir, I'm sorry, I ain't into someone old enough to have gotten with meemaw," I could tell she wasn't sorry.

"Are you sure?" I dumbly asked.

She didn't like that, "Get away you creep! Are you kidding me? I try to be nice one time! This is why we can't have nice things!!"

Her friend got up with her keys through her fingers, "Please. Just go away."

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