A party and reunion worth remembering

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We open with  a 90's looking car with an older woman in the driver seat pulling up to some kind of building with neon signs on it.

RUE(V.O): Fezco's grandma was a motherfuckin' G.

Fezco's grandma wears a blue suit with fancy high boots and is armed with a revolver, as she steps out we see that her jacket's back says "god's world, god's will" as Fezco's grandma walks into a strip club with the revolver hidden behind her back a fat man wearing an all black outfit and a black cowboy hat tips his hat to her as he lets her in.

As Marie enters the club, the bartender looks worried and knocks on a window as he rushes to a phone and dials a number, Marie walks past the stripers who dance eroticly as men watch on and toss money on the stage. Marie walks into the dressing room as the stripers are getting ready for their turn's on stage. The stripers look on as Marie walks past them with confidence.


Marie then walks past the VIP rooms and enters the office where a fat older man is getting a blowjob from a striper leaning on the couch.

MARIE: Hey, fuckface!

PAULIE: What the fuck? You crazy-- (screams)

Before Paule could finish, Marie cocked her gun and shot Puale in the knees as his dick was out. The striper on the couch screams, Marie walks out the office and the striper follows but runs screaming in the other direction.

Marie walks out of the club and puts her gun back in her pocket and enters her car and looks and places a hand on a young Fezco with slicked back hair, gold chains, and a black eye, and a neutral his face.

MARIE: Hey. I just spoke to your daddy. You're gonna come to live with grandma now. Okay?

The young Fezco nods as Marie starts the car and drives away from the club, with the boy in the passenger seat. The young Fezco turns back and sees everyone in the club walk out as the car drives off, each person with a shocked look on their faces.

RUE(V.O): And even though she wasn't like, the best guardian...she taught him everything he knew about life.

We cut a few months later, Fezco using a card to chop up piles of cocaine and drags the piles into smaller piles as he wraps them up in bagges as his grandma smokes and drinks in the kitchen.

MARIE: Bag that shit up. Put it in your fuckin' tighty-whities. Cops ain't gonna pat down a fuckin' 10-year-old. 

Fezco does so and places a new bag full of coke with another 7 bags on the table.

MARIE: They don't wanna be fuckin' accused of bein' fuckin' pederests. You know what I'm sayin'?

We cut again to see Marie and Fezco driving along the street as Marie begins to talk about Fezco's mom.

RUE(V.O): He didn't really know much about his mom. His grandma never really liked to talk about her, except to occasionally say...

MARIE: Your mom had a pure heart. But your daddy always took advantage of that. 

We then see a montage of a random person tossing a set of keys though the days, the during the day Marie takes Fezco by the shoulder and walks with him through a motel.

MARIE: Let me tell you somethin' snowflake, there's a short supply of kindness in this world. People sniff it out...and they swoop right the fuck in. 

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