One problem to another

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Rue sits at the kitchen table, her breath ragged as she stares at a cherry Jolly Rancher, trembling hands struggling to unwrap it. Next to her, Alex gently places a hand on her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort, though it's clear from his worried expression that he's just as lost as she is. Rue's fingers shake more violently as she wrestles with the candy wrapper.

Leslie enters the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Her eyes drift to her daughter, whose entire focus is on the small piece of candy, oblivious to anything else. The sound of the faucet overflows into the sink unnoticed by Leslie, who finally turns off the tap, pouring half the water out before bringing the glass over to Rue.

Leslie: Here, baby. Rue? Baby, I need, I need you to drink this, okay? Come on, come on.

Rue whimpers, her focus still on the stubborn candy wrapper. Leslie tries to hand her the glass, but Rue doesn't reach for it.

Leslie: Let's just take a sip, baby, please.

Rue still doesn't take the glass and Leslie then takes a seat next to Rue, Leslie watches as she still struggles with the single candy, Alex gives Leslie a look of worry as the candy wrapper was crinkling.

Leslie: Do you need help with that?

Rue's breathing quickens, and just as she almost has the candy unwrapped, it slips from her fingers. She breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably, her head collapsing onto the table. Alex pulls her close, trying to offer comfort as she shudders with each cry. Together, Alex and Leslie gently lift Rue by her arms, helping her to her room.

Alex: It's okay.

Leslie: We got you.

Rue(V.O): You know what I like about hospitals?

Leslie: We're almost there. Come on.

Rue: (crying) They don't need to know how good of a person you are in order to take care of you.

Leslie: Come on.

Rue(V.O): They don't need to know what's going on in your head before they wrap a bandage around your arm.

Leslie and Alex guide Rue to her bed as she breathes heavily, Gia quietly watching from her room, eyes wide with worry.

Rue(V.O): People like that are rare. The doctor put my mom in touch with a rehab, who might have an open bed early next week.

Rue: (crying)

Leslie: Okay, okay.

Rue(V.O): Told me to stay strong, for myself and the baby.

Alex: Okay, okay, okay.

Leslie lays Rue in her bed, kissing her on the forehead before leaving Alex alone with her. Rue curls up under the covers, her body shaking as Alex sits beside her, keeping silent vigil.

Rue(V.O): My mom is one of those rare people, but maybe that's 'cause she's my mom. She also grew up in the church. And say what you want about Christians. At least they believe in forgiveness.

We see a flashback of a young Leslie singing in a church choir, her voice echoing through the sanctuary. In the distance, a younger Gregory watches her, his face softened by the beauty of her voice.

Rue(V.O): I don't remember everything I said to my mom.

Gia: It's okay, Rue. It's okay.

Rue(V.O): I wish I could say I didn't mean any of it. Is that actually true? I mean, I thought it. I felt it... I said it.

The memory shifts back to Leslie, now quietly cleaning up the mess Rue caused during her meltdown. Rue lies in bed, groaning and breathing rapidly, her face contorted in pain. Gia, lying next to her, cries softly, sharing in her sister's pain. Alex stays by Rue's side, holding her hand.

Euphoria: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now