Something feels weird

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We see Nate on the ground, bleeding from his mouth and nose, his right eye was swollen to hell, and he jaw looked like it was snapped in half from the inside. He almost looked like a corpse but the beating he got from Alex was merciless and less than what he really deserved. But despite being knocked out cold, he could feel the kick from Alex as he laid on the ground.

Rue(V.O): Nate Jacobs was in love. He didn't know how it happened. He didn't know why it happened. But he could just feel it.

While Nate was unconscious, Cassie leaned over him, crying with a look of genuine worry and concern.

Rue(V.O): And it felt so fucking good. But it was complicated.

Cassie was then joined by Maddy who also looked worried.

Maddy(distorted): We need to get him to a hospital.

Outside Maddy, Cassie, and McKay carry Nate to Maddy's car.

McKay: Are you good?

Maddy: (grunts) He's so heavy.

McKay: Just open the door, bro.

Maddy: It's unlocked. Just open it.

McKay uses one arm to open the door while carrying Nate in the other with the help of Cassie and Maddy.

Cassie: Bring him to the hospital. Let's go, please.

McKay: Open the door!

Cassie: On the ride to the hospital

On the ride to the hospital, Maddy looked back to Nate who was laying on Cassie's lap.

Rue(V.O): What was it about Cassie Howard that allowed Nate to fully surrender himself? With Maddy, it was always a game. Cassie was the opposite.

They eventually reach the hospital and Nate is strapped to a gurney and rushed through the halls. Nate was wearing a neck brace and an oxygen mask as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

Rue(V.O): He knew he wasn't perfect. That he had some issues. But maybe the reason he had those issues is because Maddy brought out the worst in him. And maybe if he met Cassie when he was a sophomore instead of Maddy... she would've brought out the best in him.

Nate then thinks back to a random argument that Maddy and him had, in the background Cassie looks at the two as she brushes away some hair in her face and is shined upon by the light.

Rue(V.O): How could he have ever overlooked her? Underestimated her?

In his hospital room, a nurse stitches Nate's eyebrow. Nater then imagens Cassie, naked and shining like a goddess as the two hold hands and kiss on a soft bed.

Rue(V.O): She was everything you could ever want in a woman.

Cassie then gets on top of Nate and looks at him as Nate admires her beauty.

Rue(V.O): He knew it was a little soon to say, but he could imagine spending life with her.

Cassie(in slow motion): I wanna feel you inside of me.

Rue(V.O): He was at home... and in love.

Cassie then lays naked on a bear rug as she leans her head on the head of the bear.

Rue(V.O): She was intuitive and emotional.

Euphoria: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now