Short chapter

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Alex walked into his home with a tired expression, his mind swirling with the conversation he'd just had with Rue. She had told him she wanted to keep their baby as a way to finally get clean and become a better person. The weight of her words hung heavily on his shoulders as he closed the door behind him. As Alex stepped inside, he noticed his father, Gregory, sitting on the couch, a deep worry etched into his features. The moment Gregory saw Alex, he jumped from his seat, rushing to embrace his son tightly.

Gregory: Oh my god, I was worried. Where have you been?

Gregory's voice was filled with relief and anxiety as he wrapped his arms around Alex. But Alex, still processing everything, didn't return the hug. Instead, he gently moved his father off of him, his expression serious.

Alex: Dad... We... Kinda have to talk.

Gregory's heart sank at the tone in his son's voice. The worry deepened in his eyes as he began to imagine the worst. The two men moved to sit on the couch, now on opposite ends. The room seemed to close in around them as Gregory waited for Alex to speak, the silence between them heavy and suffocating.

Alex: I've got some news, and I don't know how you'll like it.

Gregory leaned forward slightly, the concern in his chest growing tighter.

Gregory: What's wrong? Did something happen?

Alex hesitated, his gaze dropping to the floor. He took a deep breath, knowing he couldn't put it off any longer. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke.

Alex: It's about Rue.

Gregory's concern shifted to confusion, his brows knitting together.

Gregory: What happened? Is she okay?

Alex: She's fine, but... I just found out she relapsed.

The shock on Gregory's face was immediate, but before he could respond, Alex continued, his voice trembling slightly.

Alex: And... She's... She's... Pregnant.

Gregory's eyes widened in disbelief, the words taking a moment to fully sink in. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to process the bombshell his son had just dropped. The reality that his son was going to be a father, coupled with Rue's relapse, hit him like a freight train.

Gregory: Wow... That's... Something.

Alex nodded, his own emotions a tangled mess inside him.

Alex: Yeah, it is.

The silence returned, this time filled with tension and uncertainty. Gregory searched for the right words, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

Gregory: What did you and Rue think?

Alex looked up at his father, his voice quieter, almost vulnerable.

Alex: She wants to keep it.

Gregory studied his son's face, trying to gauge how he truly felt about it.

Gregory: And what do you think?

There was a brief pause before Alex responded, his voice firm despite his inner turmoil.

Alex: ...I said that I would stand by whatever Rue chose.

Gregory nodded slowly, absorbing his son's words. He knew how much Alex cared for Rue, and he also knew the challenges that lay ahead for both of them.

Gregory: And what does her family think?

Alex: Her family supports her. So do our friends, surprisingly... What do you think, Dad?

The room grew quiet again as Gregory considered his son's question. This was one of those moments that every parent dreads, the moment where your child's life takes a drastic turn, and you have to guide them through it. The weight of his son's future, and the future of his grandchild, weighed heavily on him. Finally, Gregory stood up, his movements slow and deliberate. He walked over to Alex, took him by the shoulders, and gently pulled him to his feet. The two stood face to face, the air thick with unspoken emotions.

Before either of them could say a word, Gregory pulled Alex into a tight embrace, holding him as if he could shield him from the world's harsh realities. Alex, confused at first, slowly returned the hug. This embrace was different from the one earlier; it was filled with understanding, support, and a deep, unspoken love.

When they finally pulled apart, Gregory kept his hands on his son's shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes.

Gregory: Alex, I love you, son, and I always will. When you were born, and your mother left, I didn't doubt anything for a second. I knew that I would do my best to make sure you'd grow into a good man. And I will help you and Rue to make sure you have good lives. You're my son, and no matter what you do, I will always love you.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as he listened to his father's words. The two men hugged again, this time letting the tears flow freely. It was a moment of raw, unfiltered emotion—Gregory for the love of his son, and Alex for the overwhelming support his father was offering. When they finally let go, they both wiped their tears away, sharing a look of mutual understanding.

Alex: I have one more thing to ask.

Gregory smiled, sensing the seriousness in his son's tone.

Gregory: What's that?

Alex hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice carrying a note of resolve.

Alex: I need to pack some stuff so I can stay with Rue as she recovers.

Gregory's smile widened, and he patted his son on the shoulder, a silent blessing passed between them. Alex returned the smile and headed towards his room to pack. As he entered, Monster, the family cat, lay sprawled out on the bed, watching him with lazy eyes as he gathered his belongings. Alex quickly filled a duffle bag with clothes and essentials. His gaze then fell on the remaining two black duffle bags under the bed, filled with cash. After a moment's hesitation, he decided to leave them hidden where they were.

With his packing complete, Alex grabbed his bag and headed back towards the front door. Just as he was about to leave, Gregory called out to him.

Gregory: Alex, wait.

Alex turned to see his father holding out two small diamond rings. His eyes widened in surprise as Gregory handed them to him with a warm smile.

Gregory: Just in case you decide to take the next step one day.

Alex looked at the rings in his hand, a mixture of emotions washing over him. He then looked up at his father, a genuine smile breaking through the tension of the day. He gave Gregory one last, heartfelt hug before turning to leave. Gregory stood at the door, watching his son walk away, ready to take on the responsibilities of his new family.

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