Part 4

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Aaaa I don't think I can keep up with writing so my upload schedule's pretty bad~ TᴖT!! I can't seem to find my own writing since I keep going inconsistent with it

Kazuha/3rd person's Pov. 

'It's morning again.' Kazuha groaned as He got up from his bed, He checked his phone and saw that it was 7 am. He wiped his eyes while getting his covers off of him and got up, walking towards the bathroom, he washed his face and glared at the mirror. It seems He had a bad dream again and lacked a lot of sleep.

He took a shower, brushing his teeth, taking care of his grown hair, and after getting out to change his phone rings. The caller was Venti. He picked up his phone and hit the accept before resting it on his nightstand as he got dressed. "Yes?" He spoke in his usual soft tone. "Kazuha, you picked up! Finally someone in a better mood.. The others cursed at me for waking them up." Venti was whining on the other side of the phone. "It's 7 am, I don't think anyone has energy to be as cheery as you!" Kazuha chuckled, the phone could pick up the sound of his clothes rustling as he changed. "You're getting dressed? By the way, everyone agreed to meet up at 12 pm! Could you get Heizou too? He won't pick up the phone."—

"Of course, He's probably in a deep sleep from his work." Kazuha picked up his phone and keys. "I'll hang up now, okay? I'll see you at 12 pm, Ven, make sure not to be too early there." He stared at his phone again and checked the time. 7:43 a.m. "Okie dokie! Bye!" Kazuha listened to the sound of the call ending, the silence now surrounding his apartment. With a deep sigh he went towards his fridge to grab something to microwave. A sandwich would be good enough. Just something to fill his stomach, He took it out and shut the fridge before placing the sandwich in the microwave and timed to heat it up for 3 minutes.

Once it played the beep indicating it's done, he took it out, not minding the hot touch since it's fresh from the microwave. His scar-filled, calloused hands usually feels numbed. He walked to the door of his apartment and took the key from behind the door. 'My motorbike would be better to use, I don't feel like walking.' His mind always plays a monotone voice in contrast to his soft and calming voice that he always speaks with. He exited out the door and made sure to lock it before going down the apartment's parking lot while eating his sandwich.

After a couple of minutes Kazuha had arrived at Heizou's place, He parked his motorbike just across the road where there's a free parking space. He approached Heizou's place and typed the passcode in for his door, going inside uninvited. He closed the door behind him and looked around the place which is cluttered with things. Ignoring it for now, he headed straight to the bedroom and pushed the door open. "Heizou." He called out deeply at the knocked-out-cold individial on the bed. Heizou quickly jumped and sat up, looking around confused before his eyes set on Kazuha at the end of the door, he sucked in the small drool he had. "Hm? what? what time is it.." Kazuha just stared at him and then checked his own phone. "7:58." He shrugged. "Whaaat? That early.. man. Let me sleep!" Heizou whined as his sleep was cut short by Kazuha, his own bestfriend, the betrayal is real. "Get up already, What time did you sleep anyways?" Kazuha placed his phone back in his cardigan.—

"Not late! Surprisingly.. 1 am!" Heizou got up and stretched his whole body while yawning. "Alright, anything else, Mr. I'm grumpy in the morning but hides it because I'm just so sweet!" Heizou teased and chuckled. "Quiet." Kazuha narrowed his eyes on him, voice deepening slightly. "I just had a bad dream, okay? I apologize." He cleared his throat and his tone became softer. "Venti said our meet up for the cafe and hangout is at 12 pm, we have a few hours to spare." He added in while leaning onto the door frame. "Should've let me sleep more then.." Heizou rolled his eyes and headed to the bathroom

"If I suffer, you suffer too." Kazuha chuckled lightly while going out of the room and let Heizou do his own thing. He grumbled a bit, picking up the mess on the floor and started cleaning up the place. After he was done, Heizou had also coincidentally finished showering and changing. "Woah, The cleaning fairy came this morning?" Heizou let out a snort at Kazuha lounging on his couch who seemed pretty bored and sweating a bit.

"If you have time to talk, you have time to practise. Have you finally got the hang of it?" One brow of kazuha's raised up as he questioned. "Yep, Actually I don't need practise! The case I had today was a bit freak-ish.. I'll tell you about it and you tell me your opinions, There's something missing that I can't seem to point out." -


3rd person Pov.

Kazuha and Heizou were walking out of the parking lot and approached their awaiting friends. Venti had spotted them already and waved his hands excitedly towards them with a large grin displayed on his face, his eyes squinting and blue-ish green eyes squinting happily. The other two had finally reached their friends, greeting them and the mood was bright. "Okay, let's go! It should be opened by now!!! ahh I can't wait!~" Venti exclaimed with so much enthusiasm, He walked with a skip on his steps. The rest were trailing behind him. Venti is such a ball of sunshine, although he has a few messes right then and there but still, He's someone you can put your trust into and he's a great guy with a comforting aura.

Aether was chuckling softly and walked along side Venti with the same pace, he was just as happy. "Why're you so excited, Venti? Is someone special there waiting for you~?" Aether teased with a bright smile. "What?! Well.. My ahem old because he's growing old ahem bestfriend is back in town! He likes trying out new things and I know he's going to be there. I also have my eyes set on a certain cafe owner, he seems fun to annoy!" Venti chirped as they got closer to the cafe in the distance. Aether stared at him with curiosity. "Wow, so you DO have someone there waiting for you.. Well, what're we waiting for!? The last one to reach the cafe is a rotten egg!" Aether dashed ahead.—

"Hey! I'm not ready!" Venti ran after him, his two braids swinging with the wind. The rest of the group just stood still and stared at eachother a bit before two dashed to keep up too. "Don't leave us!" Heizou shouted loudly and came along with a gleeful laugh. Xiao on the other hand had his hands on his face and groaned grumpily before lifting his head with a scowl on his face, He had Aether's and venti's bag along with his. He was holding it for the two so he couldn't really run but he tried to jog his way with them being the last to reach the cafe. At least he wasn't heaving or panting heavily once he reached the place.

Kazuha was the first to collect himself since he had a lot of stamina so a few running wouldn't easily affect his strength to breathe properly. He reached out for the double doors and kept it open for the others, What a gentleman.. Everyone of them went inside and the cool feeling from the air conditioning had hit them as soon as they stepped a foot in. They all went for the corner where a large couch is, it fitted all of them perfectly so it was great.  The cafe was fairly large and quite fancy. It wouldn't take long until this cafe would become well-known and a regular around here. A waiter with indigo hair and a same coloured eyes but it was a bit sparkly with a red eyeliner and long eyelashes. A very forced smile displayed on his lips as if he'd rather be anywhere else than here. But as he approached the table, his eyes widened at the group, Especially pointed to a White-head. He clasped a hand over his mouth as he tried to collect himself before speaking. His voice was shaking a bit, perhaps it was from the slight giddy feeling he had. "W.. What would you all like to order?" He now had a genuine smile on his face, his cheeks was slightly coloured but it would need a closer look to see.

Kazuha stared back at him with his eyes slightly surprised. "Oh?" He planted his hand on the table and leaned his face on it while looking up at the Blue-headed person."Kuzushi, is it? I didn't know I'd find you in here!" He smiled brightly. Scara was delighted to find out that Kazuha could recognize him easily, He felt very shy at the moment after recalling everything he had done in stream while Kazuha was watching. His cheeks flushed a bit and he glanced away. Xiao cut in shortly. He looked up from the menu he was looking at with Aether. "I want a blueberry cheeseca-.. am I interrupting something?" Kazuha giggled a bit and shook his head. "No, go ahead." With a small nod of Xiao's head, he continued. "I'd like a blueberry cheesecake with black coffee please." Xiao looked at Aether still staring at the menu with his nose scrunched up as he tried to figure out what to order. "What about you, doll?" Aether perked up at the nickname and smiled brightly as he glanced at Xiao and to Scara. "I'll have the same as him and instead of black coffee I'd like hot chocolate! also Strawberry shortcake." Aether placed the menu down and leaned his head on xiao's shoulders, He felt xiao's shoulders relax easily which let him lay comfortably.

"Okay.." Scara stared at the two blankly before looking at the rest. "Anythi-" "I'd like the molten lava cake and-" Heizou had cut off Scara and raised his head up, he then felt his sides get nudged which led him to hiss in annoyance. "What the hell?!" He glared at Kazuha while Kazuha glared back. "Don't interrupt someone." He gave him the most out of the question side-eye. "You let xiao disturb you but not me? Anyways, my apologies, k.. Kuzushi?" Scara nodded in acknowledgement to his apology. "It's fine and just call me Scara." Heizou grinned. "Alright! I'll have the lava cake and iced tea." Heizou continued off and stared at venti for him to order too. Venti was staring at the counter instead off to a tall and broad red-head which seemed to be in-charge of the kitchen. He had his sleeves up from his uniform which showed a phoenix tattoo on his arm. Upon feeling the stares landing on him, His eyes snapped back to the group and the waiter. He cleared his throat and took a quick glance at the menu. "Egg tart, Apple pie and coke!!" He exclaimed brightly as he closed his menu and placed it down on top of the rest. —

"And I'll have a simple chocolate cake, with a side of your number." Kazuha winked at Scara which caused the poor guy to become as red as a cherry, Scara coughed awkwardly in his hands before nodding his head. Venti and Aether just stared dumbfoundedly at Kazuha's flirting meanwhile heizou was just 'idgaf' about it since he knew and Xiao couldn't care less, he was more interested by the ceilling's odd intricate designs. "O-okay, anything else?" Scara tried to be calm about it, he had wrote down all the orders except the 'number' part. "Oh and matcha tea." Scara nodded at Kazuha, He placed that down and took out a sticky note in his apron's pocket. He wrote down his number and sheepishly gave it to kazuha and with a blushing face, He quickly went off behind the counter into the kitchen.

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