Chapter 1

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In the quiet suburbs of Sydney stood a tattered old house. It wasn't the prettiest but it still functioned as a home. Or it used to. Ever since the death of Claire Conner the house was abandoned and it slowly grew tired. The roofing of the home was scattered with holes where shingles used to lay. The beige paint started to turn into a mysterious shade of brown and parts of the siding were falling off. There were no major flaws that deemed it unredeemable, in fact it tried to be redeemed but was once abandoned again due to the family that occupied it mysteriously disappeared and left no signs of coming back. Everytime it was abandoned it was turned into a hangout for the local teens that were bored and needed something to do during the week, but the one thing that always seemed to be at the home no matter who passed it at what time, was a cat.

Leaves quietly crunched beneath Claire's feet as she passed the messy garden in the backyard of the home. Her eyes shifted from each part of her surroundings making sure she was safe for the night and she slipped into the boarded home. Despite many attempts of the boards being removed by the teenagers that occupied the space for parties, they'd always be replaced the next morning like they didn't want to be caught and the front door had a black curtain nailed over the front door and all the windows so they couldn't be seen, though they didn't hide the crowbar that they used so she had to push it in the hole behind the messy bushes every night they came.

A small hole in the attic of the second floor allowed her a space to rest when her energy was low from the transformations to the cat. She could freely go from spirit to cat and cat to spirit but it took up a lot of energy for her to continuously do it back and forth as she pleased. She didn't mind being able to sleep, as a matter of fact Claire very much enjoyed it. As a ghost she couldn't sleep which was torture for her and she couldn't interact with people like she could as a cat. Nobody minded the cat, in fact they liked to let it rest. The only nice thing the teens did for her.

• Slight time skip -

Claire had been awoken to the loud noise of the boards being ripped off the back door with the crowbar. She'd looked out from one of the holes in the roof to see it was still daylight, a stupid move on their part for being so loud. Claire got up from the corner of the attic to see what was going on and she sat on the opening of the hole from the attic. A group of 4 boys climbed up the stairs and threw their backpacks down. She'd never seen them before in the party crowds so they must not have been invited to any. The thought of that brought her back to before she died, her sitting alone at the lunch table and everywhere she went. Everyone knew who she was as she used to be popular before her brother died. Claire and her brother, Jamie were like best friends as they did everything together. After the accident she pushed everyone away as she didn't know what to do. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw one of the boys' eyes on her. He had black hair that slightly curled and a bit of a pouty face which she thought was cute.

"Guys there's a cat up there." He pointed out and the other 3 boys turned to stare which made her a bit uncomfortable.

"Aw look at how cute it is!" The boy with the lip ring grinned, standing up to get a closer look.

"Don't touch it Luke, it might have diseases." The boy with the red hair pointed out. She was slightly offended by that but she ignored it since she would be cautious of a stray cat as well.

"Shut up man, stop being such a scaredy pants." The boy with the purple shirt scoffed, hitting red hair on the arm.

"No you shut up with that purple shirt, Ash." He snapped back.

This interaction was really funny to her for some reason. She took a closer look at the boys and recognized three. They all went to her school before she died. Claire was also pretty sure they were in her class. She stared at the three of them and tried to put faces to names.

Micheal Clifford

Calum Hood


Luke Hemmings

She was pretty sure they were all friends but she didn't recognize the guy named Ash. She didn't really care though. She'd always been interested in the group since they seemed like fun but she couldn't since she was seen as too popular for them.

She looked at Luke who was still admiring her and she thought it was really cute that he liked cats. He reached his hand out for her to smell like all normal cats and she just stared at it. He stood on his tiptoes and just gave her a pat on the head which she didn't know how to feel about. She always thought he was a cutie and now he's patting her head? That made her feel weird now.

He went back to sit with the group and she watched. As they talked about random stuff from music to Ash's purple shirt she was more and more intrigued.

She caught herself switching to her ghost form and rushed to the corner of the attic so they wouldn't watch the cat randomly disappear into thin air. She had scooted back over to the hole and continued to listen to their conversations but little did she know there was a spider crawling around near her.

"Oh fuck!" She yelled as she noticed the spider. This little spider could not affect her in anyway so she had no reason to be freaking out.

Luke's head snapped towards her and the other guys looked too.

"Oh what the fuck?" He said, staring at her.

They'd locked eyes and that freaked her out. She's never had a living person see her before and she crawled into the corner as quickly as she could.

"What?" Michael asked, sounding slightly concerned for his friend.

"You guys didn't see her?" Luke replied. She could imagine the 3 other boys staring at him like he was insane.

"I told you not to pet that cat you idiot." Mike snapped. "We're taking you to a doctor, let's go."

"And the doctor is my mom, right?" Luke replied and he got a collective agreement. He groaned and the four boys made their way down the stairs and out the backdoor. One of them put the boards back up and put the crowbar back which she thanked but she knew he couldn't hear.

"You're welcome."

A big grin appeared on her face as she closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

That's how Luke Hemmings and Clair Conner met.



Hey guys!!!!!

So this is totally my first series and I'm feeling confident that I'm going to keep this one, let's hope I don't jinx it. By the way I'm a bad writer and all of my tactics have been picked up from the stories and books I have read. I know I probably used 'she' the most and described a lot and I am so sorry but like I said I'm bad and I'm just starting my journey. Thank you for reading and please leave some feedback!



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