10. Lost you

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Minho's body froze, his mind stopped working and suddenly he could not speak

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Minho's body froze, his mind stopped working and suddenly he could not speak. His thoughts passed by at the speed of light, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Min?" Jisung said as he snapped his fingers in front of the redhead's face. "Oh?" The older breathed out, thinking continuosly for a reasonable answer but when nothing came to mind, the boy decided to play dumb.

"I don't remember what I was going to say" He lied but the tip of his ears turned red, which did not go unnoticed by Jisung.

"You're lying" the younger pointed out and Minho shook his head, very unconvincingly which made Jisung laugh, "you can't lie to even save your life" he commented and Minho huffed, "fuck you" the latter muttered under his breathe but Jisung just laughed it off.

A silence fell upon them, Jisung was looking around the room whilst Minho's gaze was fixated on him, the boy was zoning out and drowning into his thoughts. Should he confess and just end it all at once? Or maybe double it and give it to the next person? Minho shook his head and scolded himself mentally.

Confessing seemed like a really shitty idea so he shook his head once again to clear his mind, he really wasn't ready to face Jisung's rejection, yet. It would be too soon, there was so much more he wanted to experience with the younger boy.

"You sleeping with your eyes open?" Jisung's voice brought him back to reality, he flinched slightly and looked at the younger, confused. "What?" He asked but the younger shook his head and smiled, seeing him smile also made the corners of Minho's lips curl upwards.

"Do you want something to eat?" Minho questioned as he stood up and walked to the door, deciding to distract himself for a while, but before his hand could reach the door knob, he was pulled back by a tug on his wrist.

"I don't want anything, Min. I really just want to talk to you" Jisung said and stood up whilst still holding onto the redhead's wrist. "Okay" Minho stuttered out and nodded his head, he was unsure of what else to say when he also wanted the same thing.

They both sat on the bed, facing each other. Jisung took a deep breathe before starting, "You know, that day, after you left, I felt like I lost you and I was super sure that you wouldn't talk to me ever again, I was so scared, Min" the boy took a pause and started after taking a long breathe again. "You didn't even text me when you got home like usual and I thought you didn't want to talk to me and that's why I couldn't get myself to contact you" he finished with a sigh and dropped his head between his shoulders.

And as he was about to look at the redhead again, the latter hugged him and brought him close to his body, nuzzling his head in the crook of Jisung's neck, Oh how Jisung missed this.

"I'm so sorry" Minho apologized, "there was so much going on in my head but that doesn't excuse my behaviour, I'm sorry, Sung" he said and felt Jisung smile into his hair, "It's okay, but please, don't do that again" the blue haired boy said and wrapped his arms around Minho's waist, he didn't want to let go.

This was so short, I know. But I wanted to update as soon as I could bcs I didn't want to keep y'all hanging.

And also, Thank you so much to all of you, for loving this book and giving it so much support<3

With all my love

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