27. Marry You

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"Myunsoo, This is not a good time to play, I want you to get out and please close the door" Minho lectured and rolled onto his stomach without even opening his eyes

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"Myunsoo, This is not a good time to play, I want you to get out and please close the door" Minho lectured and rolled onto his stomach without even opening his eyes.

Jisung bit back a chuckle and entered the room silently, closing the door behind him but Minho still had his face smushed against the sheets.

"Myunsoo is sleeping" Jisung spoke in a whisper making the redhead look back with a flinch. "You?!" The boy gasped as his eyes widened from the sudden surprise, because no way in hell that he expected his boyfriend to show up in his room at two at night.

"Be quiet, your family is sleeping" Jisung stated as he hurried over to the redhead and kept his hand over his mouth.

"Calm down, Min" The younger instructed with a soft laugh and gasped when he was pulled into a bone crushing hug, nonetheless Jisung wrapped his own arms around his boyfriend, lovingly.

"I love you so much" Minho said and cupped Jisung's face in his hands before smashing their lips together, all the pent up emotions of the past week hitted them both, guilt, pain and insecurity but the feeling of being in each other's arm again was just as comforting.

Salty tears streamed down Minho's cheeks as his voice was muffled against Jisung's lips, the latter smiled into the kiss and broke out into a silent sob himself.

Both the boys cried into each other's arms like literal kids before they took a very needed nap while nuzzling and cuddling into each other, Jisung held Minho so close, as if the boy would fly away with star dust if he letted go off him.

When the redhead was still very much asleep, not knowing that Jisung has woken up before him and was content while just looking at Minho, a smile hinted at the younger's lips as he lifted his hand to brush it over his boyfriend's soft facial features, he felt warm again, like his heart was finally beating.

"I would fucking marry you someday" Jisung whispered and pressed a kiss to the redhead's forehead which made him open his eyes in the slightest, shocking the younger boy.

"Morning" Minho said sleepily, he didn't seem like he heard what Jisung had said, which the latter was thankful for. The older boy smiled and leant closer to press their lips together.

"Min, listen" Jisung said as they broke apart and Minho looked at him with his sparkly eyes, "yes?" The redhead hummed and followed Jisung as he sat up on the bed.

"I do realise my mistake and I'm genuinely so fucking-" The latter was interrupted when Minho smacked the back of his head, "can you stop blaming everything on yourself? Did you not see that it was me who started it all" Minho argued with a huff as the younger just looked at him with a bewildered expression present onto his face.

"But" Jisung shutted up his mouth after earning himself a deathly glare from his boyfriend, "See, you don't have to apologise for everything, okay? And I know that I seem like a complete asshole for not reaching out first but i couldn't help it because I got fucking grounded" Minho spoke in a rush as his ears turned red from all the feelings catching up to him again.

"Min, breathe" The younger reminded and rested his hand over Minho's thigh, trying to comfort him. "Yeah, okay. When you left the badminton court, I felt so stupid and came back home to smoke a joint and before I could finish it my mom caught me in the act and that's how I ended up being grounded for the whole past week, i didn't even have my phone. I'm so sorry, Jisung, please, I don't even know what to say but I'm so so sorry for all the hurt I've put you through" By the end of it all, both the boys found themselves crying again but this time it was from all the overflowing love in them.

I'm so sorry that I just dissapered for a while without any notice, but my school started and it all became so overwhelming but yeah I'm back.

With all my love

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