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Basically how they interact with Miss Pauling... cause why not

Scout: I feel like he flirts with her but he feels immediate cringe once Miss P looks at him. How she interacts with him feels like a "ISTFG" type of thing, but I view them as being good friends.

Solider: I feel like it would be very formal, almost military like, but because of his demeanor she tends to not have full conversations with him. It's like trying to talk with/control a large toddler.

Pyro:  She learned ASL just for them. These two would get along well, like a big sister/aunt type relationship.

Demo:  They can have decent conversation... probably about mostly tactics and weaponry, but its conversation none the less...Also maybe about women...

Heavy: These two would probably be a good team for a cooking show. Also I feel like he sees her as another sister, and is probably one of the few to show her that she is appreciated for her work.

Engineer: When she comes by the base she has to check and see what Engi has been up to. I feel like she'd find interest in all the things he can build. Also making sure he stayed on task.

Medic:  She questions him...from afar...preferably. Though I think he would be nice to her, and would be having to shoo Archimedes away from nesting in her hair. The few conversations they have are almost intellectual.

Sniper: Since he likes being alone they don't talk often but when she comes by the base to do some basic checks he tends to offer her a cup of coffee, almost as a way of saying, "Thanks, for putting up with our shit."

Spy:  I feel his attitude toward women is somewhat flirty. Also that he gives unwarranted outfit advice. They get along...somewhat. He does have a lot of respect for her though.

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