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What I believe their Sexuality, Preferences, and Pronouns are!



He's BI but says he's 100% straight but everyone can see through the lies. He has more of a preference for men but if he thinks your hot you got a shot.

He/Him, he also does and doesn't understand the concept of pronouns that well but respects 'em.


He's straight, though he has liked a guy but didn't really understand the feeling.

He/Him but trys and fails 99.99% of the time on the pronouns concept.


They're Ace. If you present yourself to Them in a Sexual way then that's a no go, but if you present yourself in a loving, caring, romantic-ish way then yeah most likely to have a relationship.

They/Him but mostly prefers They/Them, But no one really does that since they can't understand em other than Engi.


He's Pan and most of the relationships he's had he met them while at a bar (what a shock). he does have a preference for more feminine features though.

He/him but understands the concept of pronouns and respects them.


I think he'd be Demi and looks more for a heathy romantic relationship.

He/Him, he understand and respects pronouns its just sometimes he can forget someone's pronouns and not realize it till awhile later.


He's BI but prefers women.

He/Him, but I have seen things where people say he's trans. Though I don't really see that but I will say this he has dressed in drag at least once or twice. also, you can not convince me other wise, he has worn makeup (primarily eye makeup) under his goggles during work. CHANGE MY MIND I DARE YA.


He just says that he swings both ways, and doesn't have a preference.

He/Him, understands pronouns and respects them.


He doesn't like being labeled but goes both ways but fall mostly toward men.



He swings both ways but is better at persuading the ladies than they guys.

He/Him, he understands and respects pronouns. he would ,only if his lover really wanted him to, dress in drag and you can not tell me other wise but he would look 👏 GORGEOUS 👏 in drag.


I know some stuff seems similar but its just how I see them and I am writing this off of sleep deprivation

well bye :)

(Edit 2: 2/5/22 & 4/23/22 I have made this more grammatically correct and easier to understand)

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