Ibuki Dared To Lick A Frog (GONE WRONG)

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It was a normal day at Jabberwock Island, as it would be, but something odd happened. A strange, glowing rock from space came down and landed on the beach. So when the students were going to take a dip in the water, Monomi stopped them. "Wait, don't go in there; it may be radioactive, and then who knows what kind of side effects you'll all get?" said Monomi. "RADIOACTIVE?" The students asked. "Unfortunately, due to this mysterious radioactive rock from a space crash landing here, we got to be careful in the water." Kindly say Monomi. "Whoa, that is a big space rock. I need to photograph this." Mahiru proceeded to take pictures of the glowing space rock. "Please be careful, Mahiru," pleads Monomi. Then, all of a sudden, the rock started to crack. "Mahiru, stay away, everyone. Stay back." Momomi said this while trying to keep them away from the rock. "But why is it cracking?" said Hajime. "IS IT A ALIEN!!!!?" Kazuichi screams and hides behind Fuyuhiko. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" yelled Fuyuhiko. Then the rock cracks more, letting green light poke out, and then it fully breaks and a frog hops out. "A...frog? Really that it?" Togami questioned. "Everyone stay back; that frog may be radioactive," Momomi said with a warning. "OR A ALIEN FROG WHO GONNA CONTROL OUR MINDS!!!!" screamed Kazuichi at the top of his lungs. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME DEAF!!!" Yelled Fuyuhiko. Momomi decided it was best to take the kids inside, and when she counted, she noticed three of the students were not inside. Mahiru, Hiyoko, and Ibuki. "Oh, no, where are they?" asked Momomi. Unfortunately, the students don't know where they went. Meanwhile, outside on the beach, the three girls were hiding behind a rock when they were told to get sent back inside. "Geeeez! Why can't this frog hold still? I bet an alien frog will be worth a lot of yen." Said Mahiru. As Mahiru tried to get the perfect shot of the new alien frog, Hiyoko and Ibuki were just messing around and looking at the new frog. "Whoa, I never knew frogs could be many colors in one like this." Said Ibuki. "You moron, remember it came from the mysterious space rock, so of course the frog ain't normal." Mocked Hiyoko. "It looks pretty tasty. I wonder what it tastes like. Maybe we can get Teruteru to cook it." Ibuki said as her stomach rumbled. "That pervert doesn't know anything about this. Anyway, this is an alien frog; it may be the only one of its kind left." Said Hiyoko. But then she got an idea. "But maybe a taste test may be okay," said Hiyoko. "Hey, don't eat it; you're going to ruin my shot," said Mahiru. "Oh, I didn't mean like bite it, but like a lick, a little lick, you know." Hiyoko responded with glee. "No, I am not letting you get hurt or killed by this weird frog. Now get back here." Mahiru says it in a big sister way. "Awww, alright," said Hiyoko, defeated but getting an idea. "Hey, Ibuki, you hungry, right?" asked Hiyoko. "Yeah, I accidentally skipped breakfast this morning." Ibuki said it hungrily. "Well, I heard you say it looked tasty, so you know what? I dare you to lick it," said Hiyoko. "But Monomi said we should avoid it," said Ibuki. "Oh, I get it; you're a chicken, a big furry chicken," mocked Hiyoko. "I do not find it necessary to prove I'm not a chicken but I'll do it." As Ibuki says, she chases after the frog. "Oh, perfect shot. I just need to wait a couple more seconds." Mahiru said in her head, I want to get a picture of this alien frog. As Mahiru took the shot, Ibuki grabbed the frog and gave it a quick lick. "There, I did it, happy?" said Ibuki. "Wow, I can't believe you actually lick some random space frog," said Hiyoko. "Geez, Ibuki, you ruined my perfect frog photo." Mahiru said it in a pissy tone. "Opps." Awkwardly, said Ibuki. Hiyoko then asked, "Anyway, how did it taste?" "Funny, it tasted like cherry coke, not that." Ibuki stopped mid-sentence. "Ummm Ibuki? Are you okay?" said Mahiru with concern. Ibuki then falls to the ground and starts foaming and making weird noises. "AHHH! SHE RABED!" screamed Hiyoko. "I knew this was a bad idea. I go get the Monomi while you watch her," said Mahiru. As Hiyoko kept guard over the crazed Ibuki, Mahiru went to tell the others. "You what? I told you to stay away from the frog." Momoni says he feels betrayed. "I know, but Ibuki is sick or something; she needs help." Mahiru said it in a rushed, scared tone. "Oh, mine. Let me get my stuff and see what I can find." It was Mikan who grabbed her first aid kit, and the class headed outside. When they got outside, the students and Momomi watched Mikan examine Ibuki's body. "I found out what it is. The saliva from Ibuki's mouth and the body of the frog made a weird reaction where her mouth started foaming more than it should, and well, there is only one way to cure her from this state." "How do we stop her foaming?" Said Monomi. "Well, s-s-s-someone got to s-s-suck the spit out of her so the reaction can s-s-stop." Said Mikan. While everyone was looking at each other, who would suck the spit out? Teruteru was already to the rescue. Teruteru, without hesitation, sucked up Ibuki's spit and then spitted it out of his mouth before it could affect him. Ibuki then coughed a lot, but luckily she can move again. "Oh, I don't feel well," Ibuki said, holding her stomach. "While I'm glad Ibuki ain't dead or anything, you three broke an order, so you three will be sent to detention until further notice." Said Monomi as a direct order. "Yes, miss Monomi," said the girls. So they now have detention for who knows how long, but at least Ibuki ain't dead or anything. And they were the story of how Ibuki Mioda almost got unalive by licking a frog. (Also, Kazuichi was right; the frog was evil and started to control the minds of the students on the island, then the world, and now Earth is populated by an alien frog army.) The end.

How Ibuki Mioda Almost Gotten Unalived By A FrogWhere stories live. Discover now