Chapter 3

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We arrived at our house and I almost fainted. The house was so beautiful I couldn't believe it... And the neighborhood was peaceful and calm, except for a few kids running around playing basketball and riding their bikes.

At that moment I knew, my life was gonna change forever. The first thing I took out the car was my best friend. She was certainly no common BFF that texted all night 'till 3 a.m. and fangirled over boy bands, NOOO. This friend was a furry mess, all of her body to be exact, and she walked on 4 legs. She loved to snack on buiscuits and leftover food, and loved to chase cats around. This special friend was (d/n)[dog's name] and she was sitting in her kennel, happily wagging her tail back and forth. 

I took her out and was inmidietly thrown to the ground by the furball, being attacked with licks on the face. "HAHAHA, (d/n) stop, please!!!" I picked her up and went inside the amazing house with my sister, while the western man and mom started taking stuff inside the house.

Me and my sister chose our rooms upstairs and I headed back down to take some water to mom and the man, I gave them glasses of water and asked my mom,"Mom, can I take (d/n) for a walk? I'd like to look around the neighborhood..." "Yeah sure, but leave (s/n) here, she needs to help me with her stuff" "Ok, I'll be back by 6' ". I put (d/n) on a leash, and started walking down the sidewalk.

I gasped as I looked at the wonderful houses that surrounded me, each one bigger and prettier than the other. Suddenly, I stopped seeing beautiful, fancy houses, and started seeing normal houses.'This must be another part of the neighborhood...' I thought as we continued walking down the same sidewalk. I saw kids painting old buildings with spray paint and quickly running away on their bikes.

I gulped and stopped walking, deciding to leave that place. As I turned around with (d/n), I bumped into a mid-thirties aged man. He had brown, to-the-side-swept hair. he's skin was tan and had a half-cut beard. He had a brown leather jacket over a white t-shirt,jeans and brown boots. (d/n) started growling and as I took a step backwards...


I didn't dare look back, and as I try to run away, the man behind me slipped his hands on my waist, holding me in place, while the other put a cloth over my mouth. (d/n) started barking and bit the second man's jeans, pulling and thrashing.

I started to feel sleepy, feeling a soft cushion beneath me. My eyes started to close, when I saw (d/n) jumping through the door, laying beside me. I heard the slam of a car door and thought 'this is it...i'm gonna die!' as I blacked out...

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