Chapter 7

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After almost an hour of cleaning, Rhett and jessie went to bed and me and Link stayed on the living room. I ate my waffles quietly, (that's what Link was trying to do XP) observing Link trying to get some eggs off of his hair.

I stood up, took the plate to the kitchen and walked over to the living room. "You can take the couch if you want, you'll be more comfortable there..." Link said. I gave him a warm smile and laid and the couch, my head on the arm rest. I tapped a little space next to me on the couch and (d/n) jumped and laid beside me.

Link wrapped himself in one of the kid's blankets and put his glasses on the coffe table. I thought about my mom, who must be really be worried about me, as I driffted off to sleep...


I heard a loud noise and jumped off the couch. I stayed silent and continued listening. I heard moving at the backyard of the house, as if someone was trying to enter through the back door. I slowly stood up and heard two people whisper-fighting. "I know!, we can use a clip to open the lock!" whispered one, "That only works in movies you idiot! now help me open the d**n door or I'll shoot you!". I started to shake, panicking over the ocurring situation. I quietly walked over to Link and shook him lightly.

"Link, Wake Up Link!". He slowly opened his eyes and groaned; "What is it (y/n)?" he asked. I started to tear up, "Someone's trying to get in the house Link, I'm scared!", I managed to blurt out through my tears.

"Don't worry, I'll go check outside..." Link said, standing up. "NO!, they have a gun!" I whisper-yelled trying to make him change his mind."I'll take this then!" he said, grabbing a pan. "Link, you're not Rapunzel! You're gonna get hurt!" I said as he walked down the main hall, towards the back door.

"Nonsense, I'm so strong and skillful at fighting, Chuck Norris sees me and get so scared, he pees his pants!" he said, chuckling. He opened the door slowly, took a step outside, looked right and left and turned to me. "See! there's nothing out he- AAAH" I started to panick, I looked over the corner and my eyes widened at what I saw...

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