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So.. It's been a while.. Yoo wazzup? Just kidding guys, how yah been? Well I just wanted to let y'all know I will be editing this bOOk (yah know, spelling errors, more details, etc etc) aNd please don't forget I'm working on the sequel! I know I know "BUT PIROTI, YOU HAVENT EVEN POSTED THE FIRST CHAPTER WAHATTAT?!?!" You might be saying. Well, the thing is, I wanna complete the whole book before I post anything, yah know? That way I can tweak errors I might have and even avoid writer's block! ( and btw, sequel might have action and suspense *cough cough*)So while that's out of the way, I wanted to aLsO let y'all know, I'm working on a lil something for all yah TF2 fans *wiggles eyebrows* specially for a dear friend of mine. Heck what am I saying, she's like a sister to me! God, she's awesome.. SO YEAH! It's gonna be a romantic fanfic (pls guys don't kill me, I'll make another one I promise) anD anD annnndddd mayyybeeee even a FNAF book? Cuz I kinda started one too XD. WELL THATS IT FOR NOW MY MARSHMALLOWS!! SEE YAH SOONNNN LOVE YALLLL!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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