Osana's Story

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Ayano planned to do a Fan Elimination by getting her decapitated by a fan, she waits for Raibaru, Osana's best friend to leave Osana by herself to go to her Martial Arts Club at Akademi High, As Ayano Aishi meticulously planned her next move, her gaze fell upon Osana Najimi, Taro Yamada's childhood friend and a formidable obstacle in her path. Determined to eliminate Osana without raising suspicion, Ayano carefully observed her rival's behavior and habits. She discovered that Osana often visited the school's rooftop during her lunch break to enjoy the solitude and fresh air. Ayano knew that this was her opportunity to strike.One day, Ayano approached Raibaru Fumetsu, Osana's best friend, and told her that she had seen a rare and beautiful bird on the rooftop. Intrigued, Raibaru excused herself from Osana and went to look for the bird. With Raibaru out of the way, Ayano now had her chance to carry out her plan. She lured Osana to the rooftop, As Ayano Aishi stood on the rooftop, her heart pounding with anticipation, she watched as Raibaru Fumetsu, Osana Najimi's best friend, finally left her alone. With her rival isolated and unaware of the danger that lurked behind her, Ayano knew that this was her chance to strike.She had carefully planned this moment, meticulously sabotaging the large fan that stood in the corner of the rooftop. Now, all that remained was to lure Osana to her doom.With a sinister smile, Ayano approached Osana, her voice as sweet as honey. "Osana-chan," she said, "I couldn't help but notice that your hair looks a little tangled. Can I help you brush it?"Osana, unsuspecting of Ayano's true intentions, nodded and turned her back to her. As Ayano reached out to touch Osana's hair, she swiftly grabbed a handful of strands and yanked hard.Osana cried out in surprise and pain as Ayano pulled her towards the sabotaged fan. With a sickening thud, Osana's head collided with the spinning blades, and her body went limp.Ayano watched in satisfaction as the life drained from Osana's eyes. She had finally eliminated her rival and cleared the path to Taro Yamada's heart. But as she stood there, covered in Osana's blood, Ayano couldn't shake the feeling that she had crossed a point of no return. The darkness within her had grown stronger, and she knew that there was no going back. As Ayano watched Osana's lifeless body slump to the ground, a chilling sense of satisfaction washed over her. She had finally eliminated her rival and cleared the path to Taro Yamada's heart. But as she stood there, covered in Osana's blood, Ayano couldn't shake the feeling that she had crossed a point of no return. The darkness within her had grown stronger, and she knew that there was no going back. Osana is decapitated by a fan. As Ayano stood there, covered in Osana's blood, she knew she had to clean up before anyone could discover her. She quickly made her way to the locker room, her mind racing.

She turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on her face, trying to wash away the evidence of her crime. But the blood wouldn't come off. It was caked on her hands, her clothes, and even her hair.

Panic began to set in. If anyone saw her like this, they would know what she had done. She had to get rid of the blood, and fast.

Ayano frantically searched the locker room for something to help her. She found a bottle of bleach and poured it on her hands, scrubbing furiously. But the bleach only made the blood worse, turning it a sickly yellow color.

She tried soap, but that didn't work either. The blood was still there, mocking her.

Ayano was starting to lose hope. She knew she couldn't leave the locker room like this. But what else could she do?

Just then, she noticed a pair of scissors lying on the ground. An idea came to her.

She picked up the scissors and cut off the sleeves of her uniform, revealing her bloody arms. Then, she cut off her skirt and threw it in the trash.

She was still covered in blood, but at least it wasn't as obvious now. She could make it back to her classroom without anyone noticing.

As she walked out of the locker room, Ayano took one last look at herself in the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, her eyes cold and calculating.

She had gotten away with murder. But she knew that it was only a matter of time before she would kill again. As Ayano stood under the hot water, letting it cascade over her body, she scrubbed furiously at her skin, trying to wash away the evidence of her crime. To her relief, the blood came off easily, leaving her skin clean and unmarked. She had gotten away with murder. But as she stepped out of the shower and looked at herself in the mirror, she knew that it was only a matter of time before she would kill again.

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