Amai's story

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As Ayano Aishi reveled in the successful elimination of her previous rivals, her attention turned to her next target: Amai Odayaka, the gentle and kind-hearted president of the Cooking Club. Amai's reputation for being a skilled baker and her nurturing personality made her a formidable obstacle in Ayano's path to Taro Yamada's heart.

Determined to eliminate Amai without raising suspicion, Ayano carefully observed her rival's behavior and habits. She discovered that Amai often visited the school's garden during her lunch break to tend to her beloved flowers. Ayano saw this as her opportunity to strike.

One day, Ayano approached Amai in the garden and offered to help her with her gardening tasks. Amai, unsuspecting of Ayano's true intentions, gratefully accepted her offer. As they worked side by side, Ayano subtly slipped a deadly poison into Amai's tea.

Unbeknownst to Amai, the poison was slow-acting, giving Ayano ample time to dispose of her rival without drawing attention to herself. As Amai continued her gardening, Ayano slipped away unnoticed, leaving her victim to succumb to the poison's effects.

With Amai out of the way, Ayano felt a surge of satisfaction. She had successfully eliminated another obstacle in her path to Taro Yamada's heart. But little did she know that her actions would soon have far-reaching consequences, as Amai's death would send shockwaves through Akademi High and set Ayano on a collision course with her own inner darkness.

As Ayano Aishi stood over Amai Odayaka's lifeless body, a cold smile spread across her face. She had finally eliminated her rival and cleared the path to Taro Yamada's heart. But her satisfaction was short-lived.
Suddenly, Hashiko, a member of the Gardening Club, rushed into the garden, her eyes wide with horror.
"Amai-senpai!" she cried. "What happened?"

Ayano's heart skipped a beat. She had been so focused on her own计划 that she hadn't considered the possibility of being caught.
"I... I don't know," she stammered. "I just found her like this."

Hashiko didn't seem convinced. She looked at Ayano with suspicion in her eyes.
"I think you know more than you're letting on," she said. "You were the only one here with Amai-senpai."

Ayano knew she couldn't keep up the act any longer. She had to find a way to shift the blame away from herself.

Her eyes darted around the garden, searching for something that could help her. Then, she spotted it: a gardening tool that Taro Yamada had left behind earlier that day.

In a flash of inspiration, Ayano grabbed the tool and planted it firmly in Amai's hand.
"It was Taro Yamada!" she exclaimed. "He must have done this."

Hashiko looked at Ayano, then at the tool in Amai's hand. Doubt flickered in her eyes.
"I don't know," she said. "But I'll tell the police what you said."

As Hashiko ran off to find help, Ayano let out a sigh of relief. She had managed to escape detection once again. But she knew that her luck couldn't hold out forever. The darkness within her was growing stronger, and she was becoming more reckless with each kill. She had to find a way to control her bloodlust before it consumed her completely.
As Ayano Aishi stood over Amai Odayaka's lifeless body, a cold smile spread across her face. She had finally eliminated her rival and cleared the path to Taro Yamada's heart. But her satisfaction was short-lived.
Suddenly, Amai's eyes fluttered open. She coughed and gasped for air, her body trembling. Ayano's heart skipped a beat. She had failed.
Amai looked up at Ayano with weak and terrified eyes. "W-what... happened?" she whispered.
Ayano's mind raced. She had to think of something, anything, to explain away Amai's near-death experience.
"I... I don't know," she stammered. "I just found you like this."
Amai didn't seem convinced. She looked around the infirmary, her eyes searching for something. Then, her gaze fell on the cup of tea that sat on the bedside table.
"My tea..." she whispered. "It was poisoned."
Ayano's eyes widened. She had been so focused on eliminating Amai that she hadn't considered the possibility of her surviving.
"I... I don't know anything about that," Ayano said, her voice trembling.
Amai's eyes narrowed. "You're lying," she said. "You're the only one who could have done this."
Ayano knew she couldn't keep up the act any longer. She had to find a way to shift the blame away from herself.
Her eyes darted around the infirmary, searching for something that could help her. Then, she spotted it: a syringe filled with a mysterious liquid.
In a flash of inspiration, Ayano grabbed the syringe and injected the liquid into Amai's IV bag.
"This will make you forget everything," she whispered.
As the liquid entered Amai's bloodstream, her eyes glazed over and her body went limp. Ayano watched with satisfaction as her rival drifted off to sleep.
She had escaped detection once again. But she knew that her luck couldn't hold out forever. The darkness within her was growing stronger, and she was becoming more reckless with each kill.
She had to find a way to control her bloodlust before it consumed her completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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