•||Chapter 6: Tapes Of The Past||•

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N then notice a tape on one of the tables, he grabbed it while everyone was distracted. He then tries to find a tape recorder as well so that way he would be able to play the tape.

After a solid 30 minutes Uzi then realized that N wondered wondered off.

"N?" Uzi said out loud, she went to look for N, leaving Cyn and Shirley Finch alone by themselves.

"Haha your still tied up" Cyn said mockingly.

"Whatever..." Shirley Finch grumbled, she just forces herself to sleep.

Cyn menacingly drew on Shirley Finch's face.

Back with Uzi...

"Where are you-" Uzi shouted before stopping.

N was frozen like a deer in the lights, he saw some things that he surely didn't want to see.

"N?" Uzi asked, she nudged N, trying to get his attention.

N didn't respond at all.

"N!" Uzi yelled as she shakes N.

N finally responded but he was stuttering a lot.

"U-Uzi?..." N asked, tears forming.

"Yes?" Uzi responded confused.

"P-Please burn the tape..." N stuttered.

"Why?" Uzi asked, she wanted a reason first before burning the tape.

"Just do it Uzi!" N yelled, he had an outburst by accident due to being traumatized.

Uzi stayed silent for a moment but she nods and burns the tape. N felt bad for yelling and hugs Uzi from behind, his arms around her waist and his head into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." N muttered with a sad tone.

"It's okay, N" Uzi responded with a smile.

N smiled back and Uzi hugged back.

"Ewwww" Both Cyn and Shirley Finch said at the same time, they were just being their childish selves as usual.

Shirley Finch still didn't realize that Cyn drew on her face though but either way it would fade away like every time that Cyn drew on her face.

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