Chapter One

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Matt Watson. Matthew. Asshole. Watson. If I were to describe Mr. Watson in one sentence, it would be a run-on sentence with many expletives. Matt and I shared a few history classes together at the University of [fake university name?] in our two years so far at university and all I knew was that he was evil. In my eyes at least. It was uncommon to not share at least a few modules with the other history students at university but Matt and I were a rare case. We had three classes together last year and by the end of the year, the professors thought it was best for us to not share so many classes together.

The first incident occurred in our How Christianity Expanded class. I had never met Matt at this point, I had merely heard whisperings that he was intelligent, quick witted, and too handsome for the average male history student. Matt Watson had something going for him, he was well regarded by professors and the female history student population had very good things to say about him and his appearance. I thought I was lucky when Matt and I got randomly assigned together for a partner project. I thought that I could finally have a competent partner for once and actually get an A on a paired assignment. I was so so so wrong.

The project was simple, the prompt was "Give a group presentation with slides on one facet on how organized religion can spread." A beautifully easy prompt, I had a thousand ideas and I was so excited until I first talked to Matt Watson.

It was right after class the day the project was assigned and our pairs were given out when Matt approached me.

"[FMC name], right?"

I turned and saw the most gorgeous looking man I've ever seen sticking out his hand to shake mine. A little over six feet tall, mussed up brown hair, perfect roman nose, wearing a navy henley and tortoise shell patterned glasses was the famous Matt Watson. He had this energy surrounding him, one of confidence. I was never one to give a man too many compliments, especially knowing what I know about Matt now, but oh my god, he was tragically handsome. He had this academic look to him still, his glasses were serious while the rest of him was dressed casually. Matt had this vibe of seeming like he always just came back from the library.

I couldn't explain how deeply his first appearance in my life affected me, I was like a middle schooler again. I felt so childish wearing my jean overalls and red t-shirt with my matching red Converse compared to his casual chic look. I was a confident girl, I promise, but when Matt's hand stuck out to give me a handshake, my palms started sweating. I had to wipe them off on my overalls, I was so nervous. 

"Hi, sorry, yeah I am [FMC name]."

I shook his hand, it was huge. They were a little rough and it made me almost shiver, but I kept my composure. Most guys were on the skinnier side in the history department, but Matt was fit, he seemed like he had the body of a swimmer, it was impressive.

The words came out a little shaky. I was able to talk to strangers, no problem, I excelled with meeting new people and striking up conversations but Matt was an odd case. He was coming to me, usually I would introduce myself first, that gave me the position to be well prepared so I was totally out of my comfort zone.

"I'm Matt, it appears that we will be working together for this assignment."

Matt's wording was a little formal. He seemed almost as out of place as I felt at that moment, something I didn't expect from his reputation.

So far, in that conversation, I assumed he was a posh London guy. The type who's mother dragged them to the West End every weekend for dinner and a show, the type that went to Brick Lane with his friends, the type that had a family dachshund, the type who took strolls in Hyde Park and listened to Blur. Ok, maybe I was just picturing a guy like Damon Albarn, but I didn't have a ton to go off of yet for the different types of 'lads' at that point in my college career, I was only a first year in my first semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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