The Evil That Came

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Hi all! My name is Vi, and I'd like to provide more information about The Evil That Came.

First, it is my baby, and hopefully, it will be a start for me to write sci-fi stories with BIPOC characters as the main characters. Eventually, TETC will be a series, but we will see where the ending takes us; it is a work in progress. The story has a poem after every 8th or so chapter; you can read or skip them, but I have self-written them. I love engagement; if you want to make suggestions, I am all ears! If I see enough engagement, I will create a social media account for anyone interested in my dark sci-fi thriller. 

I am experiencing some life things at the moment, so the story will be on hiatus until I am back in the right mindset to write. Much love, and thank you in advance for joining me on this journey. 


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