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      Wind ruffled the she-cats silver fur as she opened her eyes. FeatherTail looked around confused, she was in a large clearing with a small stream cutting through the middle splitting the clearing into two separate parts. Some trees canopied the clearing. The bright stars in the Silver Pelt shone above her in all its glory. FeatherTail looked up, surely she was in a dream. Then suddenly, an unfamiliar scent wafted into FeatherTails nose; it carried the scent of RiverClan, yet still seemed unknown to her. "Who's there?" The silver she spoke in a wary voice. She glanced around nervously looking for the sign of another cat or creature. Then a voice sounded from behind her, FeatherTail quickly whipped around. Her fur stood tall as she arched her back, her spine rattling. "Do not fret young warrior." Suddenly a bracken-colored tom appeared farther away from her on the other side of the stream. "I am OakHeart. I come with an important message for you." The mysterious toms voice echoed as if they were in a large cave. His eyes shined with wisdom and understanding. The silver she's fur started to flatten on her back, realizing this cat seemed to be no threat to her. The name OakHeart sounded familiar to FeatherTail but nothing came to mind. Then, FeatherTail's eyes widened in awe as she at last recognized the bracken-colored toms name. She had heard tales about the great deputy who had died by getting crushed under a rock at the SunningRocks during a battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan. The she crept closer keeping a bit of distance between the somewhat familiar tom. "I am listening, OakHeart." She muttered a glint of uncertainty flickered in FeatherTail's eyes. "A time of trouble is coming to the forest." He told her, the toms tone sounded serious, he spoke with deep urgency. "A new prophecy must be fulfilled or the clans may not survive any longer. You and 3 other destined cats must meet during the new moon. You must listen for what midnight is to tell you." FeatherTail's paws prickled with worry as she listened carefully to the toms words. Her mind flooded with dozens of unanswered questions that may take longer than an eternity for even only the wisest cat to answer. OakHearts voice faded into the distance as well as did he. "Wait, I still have many questions! What do you mean? How do I find these other cats? What danger is coming? Please wait!" FeatherTail yowled desperately for any answers she could possibly receive, but only the last faint sound of OakHeart's voice echoed softly in the silver pelted shes ears. "Have courage young one, the forest, and the sake of every cat in it is depending on you and the other three." Before the she could dare utter another word she jolted awake trying to grasp on to the last few moments of her dream still searching for answers even though she knew the answers could only be found by her. A new determination flickered into her eyes with a hint of nervousness and uncertainty about the danger that lay ahead. What is she supposed to do now?

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