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Deku was tired. He had just left his agency after working a shift with Kacchan.

He drove slowly through the city. The day was calm, and there weren't many people out in the streets at this hour.

Izuku pulled into a parking spot outside the daycare and hopped out of his car. He entered the brightly colored building and greeted the receptionist, Kiko, before making his way to his son's classroom.

Knocking on the door or opening a few seconds later to reveal a short woman with brown ears on top of her head.

"Oh, Mr. Midoriya," she greeted him as his tail wagged.

"Hi, Yumi," He greeted back. Yumi ran the daycare with her husband, Mistu. They were wonderful people who were amazing at taking care of children.

"Daddy," A small voice called, and a small boy with purple hair came running towards him.

"Kyoko," He smiled as he scooped up his son and took his bag off his back. "Bye, Yumi," He said as he headed out of the building.

It was already getting dark, and he wanted to get home before it got too late. He was happy it was Friday, and he had the weekend off.

Buckling Kyoko into his car seat, he hopped in and headed out of the city to his house.

He lives twenty minutes outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle. He has enough yard space for Kyoko to run around and play and to be a distance from his neighbors.

He was stopped at a stop light when he heard his son gasp loudly and looked back to see what was wrong.

Seeing the toddler looking out the window, he looked out to see some men beating up another, kicking them while they were on the ground.

Moving quickly, Deku jumped out of his car. "Hey," he called to the group, which looked at him before running away.

Going over the person they had been beating, he pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight to see who they were and gasped when he saw the red eyes of Shigaraki looking up at him before they rolled back and closed.

Knowing he couldn't call an ambulance for a Villain, Deku bent down and picked him up before placing him in his car's passenger seat.

"Is he OK?" Kyoko asked as Deku got back into the driver's seat and started driving.

"He'll be fine, baby," He said, speeding up a little.

Soon, He passed Aizawa's house, and then his house came into view. Aizawa was the one who told him that his house was for sale in the first place when he mentioned wanting somewhere quiet to raise his son. His son, which only Aizawa, Mic, Shinso, and Nezu knew about.

The owner had built both houses on one property but later planted some trees between them and sold one to Aizawa. When the other man told him about the house, and he came to see it, he loved the three-story house and the fact that Aizawa's house was through five rows of trees across from him.

He pulled into his driveway, turned off the car, and got out. He first unbuckled Kyoko, then opened the passenger door and lifted Shigaraki out.

He made his way to the door and adjusted the blue-haired man so he could grab his keys. Once he entered, he shut the door and went to the elevator with his son following close behind.

He entered and waited for Kyoko to enter. "Second floor," he said, and the toddler pushed the button. The doors closed, and the elevator started to move. It stopped on the second floor, and Izuku got out and went to one of the guest rooms, where he laid Shigaraki on the bed before exiting.

"Let's get you fed and in bed before I deal with him," the green-haired male said, leading his son to the elevator.

Izuku pushed the button for the third floor, the door closed, and the elevator took them up to the third floor.

They exited the elevator and entered a hall with a staircase leading down to the second floor and a single black door.

Going up to the door, Kyoko tapped the wall and then placed his tiny palm on the scanner that appeared, allowing it to scan his eye and palm before the door opened.

Inside was an entire apartment. There were three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, an office, a living room, and a toy room.

This floor was so secured because it was only for him and Kyoko in case of emergencies, no one else was allowed up here. It was also where Kyoko hid when he had guests or at Aizawa's house. He figured it would be good to let the toddler stay up there because of the Villain on the second floor.

Izuku got Kyoko dinner and bathed him before putting him into bed and heading back down to check on Shigaraki.


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Word count: 802

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 5:30

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