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17 0 0

"That's it for today. Great job, guys!" Our choreographer's voice echoed as the song that we were dancing to ended.

My group mates and the backup dancers panted but cheered and clapped. Some even fell on the floor, including me.

"Felix," Chan-hyung called me worriedly. "You okay, bro?" he walked to where I am and helped me get up.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied as I got up, dusting off my clothes. All the others who were lying and sitting on the floor have also gotten up.

We bowed at everyone who was leaving the practice room until it was just us and our managers that were left inside.

"Tonight... we're gonna have fried chicken!" One of our managers announced which awakened the SKZOO in SKZ. (You know what I mean... the noise we make when we're excited. I mean, it's fried chicken, who wouldn't be excited?)

Just as planned, we happily ate chicken for dinner at a restaurant nearby and got home.

Once we got home, I took a shower, changed my clothes and stared at my PC.

Should I play games tonight before bed? I contemplated...

After contemplating for like five seconds, I've decided: YES!

While humming the Animal Crossing BGM, I setup my PC and opened the *MOBA game that I'm addicted to these days.

*A/N: for those who aren't gamers, MOBA is just short for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. examples are MLBB and League of Legends^^*


"Lee Yongbok, people are trying to sleep here." Seungmin scolded, barging into my room, cutting off my outburst.

"Oh, was I too loud?" I smiled innocently, trying to act cute, so he wouldn't be too mad.

He rolled his eyes and just said: "One hour." then left.

That means he's giving me one more hour to play, then, I must go to bed or else—I don't know... he might throw me or my PC outside the dorm (or both).

I sighed, calming myself down as I enter into another match.

My eyes lit up when I noticed that one of the enemy team members has a Bbokari plushie as their profile picture.

Aww~ Bbokari is so cute! The player must be a STAY.

"Yomi loves Felix (yomiluvsfelix)" I read the username and chuckled.

I was thinking of letting them win because she's a fan and I'm her bias but... I'm on a lose streak so... the answer is no. Sorry, Yomi or whoever you are.

The game ended with my jaw dropped on the floor. "That's not fair." I said, staring at the screen.

They were good! Yomi! She—by now, I have a strong feeling that she's a girl—was good! She's the MVP of the game! I was defeated by a SHE!

I mean, maybe she takes it from me, her bias. That's why she's good at games- Nah! Who am I kidding? I suck at this game.

As if adding salt to my wounded ego, that said player sent me a sticker that says "loser!"

'Nice game.' I replied in the chat box to which she immediately responded.

yomiluvsfelix: yea you have more deaths than kills and assists lol
yomiluvsfelix: but it was fun

comflxranger: Stoooopppp
comflxranger: I just let u win because...
comflxranger: ...my name is Felix^^

yomiluvsfelix: boooo well u'r not THE FELIX OF STRAY KIDS

I smirked. You have nooo idea~

yomiluvsfelix: u know i could help u fix ur hero so u don't die easily

comflxranger: rly? u'd do that?

yomiluvsfelix: yea. y not?

<yomiluvsfelix sent a photo>

yomiluvsfelix: here. this is the emblem set that i use for that hero^^

comflxranger: aww u'r too kind

yomiluvsfelix: i know that u need it 😂

I side-eyed my screen as if I'm side-eyeing her in person.

comflxranger: i wanna try it in the game

yomiluvsfelix: r u lowkey asking me 2 play w u?

comflxranger: um... yes?
comflxranger: i gotta know if ur emblems work

yomiluvsfelix: it's bulletproof I'm telling u
yomiluvsfelix: but sure. let's play one match

So, I invited her to the lobby and we started the game in which we did win and my kills became higher than my assists and deaths.

yomiluvsfelix: see. I told u

comflxranger: thx. wow u rly are good at this
comflxranger: do u play often?

yomiluvsfelix: yes but not everyday tho
yomiluvsfelix: got school n stuff

comflxranger: right
comflxranger: ...so u don't hv school n stuff tmrw?

yomiluvsfelix: OMG! School! i've 2 logout now!

comflxranger: sksksk
comflxranger: u playing tmrw right?

yomiluvsfelix: i'll try

I felt quite sad with the possibility that I might not be able to talk with her again. For some reason, I want to know her more.

comflxranger: oh ok

I stared at the screen, watching her account turn offline. The fatigue from the activities I did today got to me so I decided to go to bed as well.

Do you ever have moments when you were already about to sleep, eyes closed, but then, a thought just entered your mind so strongly that they opened again? Yeah... I'm having that kinda moment right now.

I didn't ask for her name!!!

# # #

author's note:
heyyy! how was it? 😭
another question, do u think i should add images (like their chat or smthn) or is it okay as it is?

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