Chapter 1

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"Are you ready?" A long sigh was heard from the other side of the phone with that question. "Issy, it's going to be perfect?" I reassured, with the brightest tone I could muster up.

"How can that day be perfect when my besties is absent?" She argued back with clear displeasure.

"Issabella Evily! We talked about this. You are not postponing your engagement party. That also definitely not in the last moment." My firm statement earned me and other long sigh back in return. "Sweetie, I will be there on your wedding day. It's just the engagement. Besides why would you miss me when the love of your life is right next to you?"

"That love of my life is not going to be my bridesmaid or the godmother of my children or the one that is going to listen to all my complains about the super busy husband after my marriage or the one to pull me back to sanity when I start regretting all this marriage stuff!"

"...." Looks like she really is stressed out about tomorrow. "You gonna be okay!"

"Shirley, I can convince him to postpone it for another month or two until you get this super important job opportunity and get full settled in that new country." She suggested innocently, like she wasn't trying to use me as an excuse to get out of this engagement, because of how scared she is to be committed after witnessing all the broken marriages around her.

"Issy!" I gave her the 'I know what you are trying to do' tone.

"Fine! fine! I will exchange rings with that dumb tomorrow!" She ranted earning a giggle from me in return. "But I don't care whether it's your super important second interview to get that job as the assistant manager of the 'oh so world famous boy band', you are answering my calls when ever I make a one."

"Yes mam!"

"And don't worry, you will ace it and get the job. They will be stupid not to hire you with your pretty face."

"You mean my academic qualification?"

"That's a plus point!" Shouldn't that be the other way around? And she is the only one who ever finds me prettier than oneself. I am not insecure, but my single status as 24 years old with zero dating history and whereas she is already planning her marriage life after dating multiple assholes and finding at least a tolerable decent one, speaks volumes.

"I don't know why are you still stuck on your teenage phase?" I remarked.

"Hey, that's offensive! We all know who was the biggest savage queen back then. Don't act all innocent on me now girl!"

"Shhhhh..... It's bed time! Tomorrow is your big day! Now we don't want the star of the day showing up with the worst mood and black eyebags like a panda." I cut-off before she started talking about that embarrassing past.

"I really can't keep up with your topic changing speed." She groaned, knowing me very well and realizing what I am doing. "Anyway, good luck with your interview tomorrow! You better get the job so I can have the autographs of all those hotties."

"You are getting engaged!"

"So what? I am second guessing about this whole marriage, since now I have a chance to date one of them, when my best friend become their manager."

"Assistant manager!" I corrected, knowing very well she is going to say otherwise.

"For now! Maybe you will not be a manager but a wife of one of them." There she goes!

"You read too much fan fiction stories. Cut down on them and go to sleep now. Good night!"

"Rude! Anyway, call me back tomorrow after finishing the interview. I am waiting to for the good news. Good night baby!"

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