Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1

Wen Yuhua lay weakly on the bed. She couldn't open her eyes and was dreaming as if a ghost was lying on the bed.

In the dream, there was a girl who looked like her and was crying goodbye to her. Wen Yuhua felt chest tight and short of breath. She felt like her head was buzzing, and it was like a thousand ducks were quacking in her ears, making it impossible for her to hear a word clearly.

She wanted to say something to the girl, but she couldn't open her mouth.

She wanted to wake up and ask everyone around her to be quiet. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it either. After struggling in vain for a while, she finally fainted when the girl in her dream disappeared.


Before she passed out completely, Wen Yuhua seemed to hear someone calling her name heartbreakingly. But she couldn't hold it on anymore, couldn't open her eyes to see who the other person was, and couldn't respond to the other person.

After regaining consciousness again, Wen Yuhua smelled the unique smell of disinfectant in the hospital. This allowed her to know where she was without opening her eyes. At this time, the surroundings were quiet and there was no sound.

A wisp of evening breeze blew through the window to Wen Yuhua's bedside, taking away the July heat and making Wen Yuhua, who had chest tightness and shortness of breath, feel comfortable and wanted to sleep beautifully like this.

But she couldn't sleep. She didn't even want to open her eyes.

Because she traveled through time. To be precise, Wen Yuhua is wearing a book. It's a bit magical. Wen Yuhua needs some time to digest.

In modern times, Wen Yuhua is a high school student who loves reading novels. She knew what time travel was, but she just didn't expect that she would actually travel because she had the same name as the character.

In this book, "The Little Sister of the Seventy-Old Group", Wen Yuhua is not the protagonist, she is the third sister-in-law of the group-favored heroine, a control group tool who brings warmth to the heroine and silently helps the heroine solve her problems.

Using her misfortune and unhappiness to set off the happiness and beauty of the heroine is the only meaning of her existence.

The person who said goodbye to Wen Yuhua in tears in the dream was the original owner. The little girl is the same age as Wen Yuhua and has the same name. She has exchanged bodies and lives with Wen Yuhua.

In the novel, today is the first appearance of the original owner. In a normal plot, she would have a big fight with her parents, go on a hunger strike, break up, and make a desperate attempt to marry Zhuang Jianye. And after getting married, he lived a frustrating life of contributing to the banker wholeheartedly and no one appreciated him.

In the book, as the tool-man's female counterpart, the original owner doesn't appear much in the book, only about three chapters. When the college entrance examination resumed and the banker no longer needed the heroine's help, she died of illness and went offline.

In order to prevent the Wen family's parents who loved the original owner from causing trouble to the banker because of the death of the original owner, the author also wrote them to death. Anyway, with just one word, all the Wen family members were killed, and Zhuang Jianye was successfully wiped out.

The Wen family is quite wealthy. Zhuang Jianye used the Wen family's money as capital and successfully rode the wave of reform and opening up, becoming a particularly successful private enterprise boss.

Zhuang Jianye loves his sister, and his is the original heroine Zhuang Caifeng's. In this way, Wen Yuhua completed the mission of bringing warmth to the heroine, and still had to be said to be a control group with a bad luck.

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