Chapter 81-86

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Chapter 81

In a good mood, Wen Yuhua leaned in Yun Yi's arms and said apologetically: "I've worked hard on you these past few days. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've become particularly temperamental recently." Many times, Wen Yuhua Don't want to get angry. But she couldn't help it for some reason.

"It's okay." Yun Yi gently hugged Wen Yuhua so that she could lean on him more comfortably. "I like you no matter what you look like." No matter what Wen Yuhua does, Yun Yi feels that she is shining, super obsessed. It's just that Wen Yuhua is a person with strong self-control. She suddenly became so moody, which made Yun Yi a little worried.

"Let's go see Dr. Zhou later. If there is really a problem, it would be better to treat it as soon as possible."


Wen Yuhua did not hide his illness and avoid medical treatment. She also wanted to know, what happened to her? When she was in the capital, everything was normal. Why did she make trouble when she went back to her hometown? It's obvious that Zhuang Caifeng can no longer influence her, why is she like this?

Wen Yuhua thought about a bunch of possibilities. She was even prepared to return to the capital to find Dr. Su immediately if the heroine's aura still had an effect on her and Dr. Zhou couldn't find out the reason. As a result, after the blood test, Dr. Zhou told Wen Yuhua with a smile that she was pregnant.

"Congratulations to you all, Xiaohua is already three weeks pregnant. She is now in the early stages of pregnancy, and it is normal for her to be emotionally unstable. She may still experience morning sickness and sleepiness later on, which is also normal. You don't need to be nervous. There is nothing wrong with Xiaohua's health. You can just take care of the baby normally and don't need to be overly anxious."

"Here, take this medical certificate. You don't need to take maternity leave or go to the mall to buy anything after that. You can use the nutritional supplements."

Doctor Zhou was happy for Wen Yuhua, but Wen Yuhua and Yun Yi were stunned when they heard the news. Pregnant? Wen Yuhua actually became pregnant so quickly! ! Wen Yuhua and Yun Yi have only been married for more than half a year. During Yunyi's rehabilitation, he took a lot of medicine and had several CT examinations. They just never thought about having children so soon. How many are they? How big are they?

Wen Yuhua is not ready to be a mother yet. Moreover, during a CT scan, the body is exposed to a small dose of radiation. Although this will not cause harm to Yun Yi's body, it will take 1-3 months to expel the radiation from the body. The last time Yun Yi went to the hospital for a check-up was during his physical examination when he joined the customs. At that time, the *7*7* consolidation was only half a year away from now. Although normally, the inspection at that time has no impact now. But the child's matter was no small matter. Wen Yuhua and Yun Yi looked at each other and felt very worried.

"Uncle Zhou, Yun Yi just stopped taking medicine three months ago. He had a CT scan half a year ago. Is it really okay for me to get pregnant now?" Wen Yuhua looked at Dr. Zhou worriedly and asked, "We are afraid of getting pregnant at this time. , will affect the child's development, and I have been using contraception. In this case, will I really get pregnant?"

Dr. Zhou did not expect that Wen Yuhua and Yun Yi's situation was so complicated. He retested Wen Yuhua's blood and asked about Wen Yuhua's contraceptive methods. He told Wen Yuhua with certainty: "You are indeed pregnant. From the blood test report, you and the fetus are both healthy. If you are worried, we are worried." , you can go to a large hospital for a comprehensive prenatal check-up. At that time, you will be able to know whether the fetus is developing well or not."

"And from a medical point of view, your family planning products are not effective in preventing pregnancy. Success can also happen. Although this is a small probability event, you and Yun Yi have created so many miracles. It is not strange for you to encounter miracles again. Don't worry, you? You two are both healthy now, and your baby must be fine too."

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