Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11

Wen Yuhua’s threat is beyond words.

She looked soft and weak, like a soft persimmon who could be bullied and fooled by anyone. It was super scary to suddenly go crazy and get angry like this.

Zhuang Jianye's heart sank and he did not dare to take it lightly again.

The most terrifying thing is when an honest person gets angry.

Wen Yuhua is very stubborn and too serious. When other people said this, Zhuang Jianye could think she was joking, but Wen Yuhua, she would definitely do anything that would rather destroy her than make her whole.

Wen Yuhua is not a joker. Zhuang Jianye didn't dare not take her words seriously. His biggest feeling now is regret. She regretted not driving Dong Xue away just now, letting her talk nonsense and irritating Wen Yuhua.

Yes, even now, when Wen Yuhua pointed his nose at him and scolded him, Zhuang Jianye still thought Wen Yuhua was jealous.

Wen Yuhua hates Dong Xue and doesn't like his contact with Dong Xue. Zhuang Jianye has always known this. But Zhuang Jianye never took it seriously. He is a good man, but he is not Wen Yuhua's possession. Why does Wen Yuhua care who he talks to or makes friends with?

They are not a couple. Even if they are a couple, Zhuang Jianye has the right to make friends. Wen Yuhua can't control him.

As a man, he cannot let a woman ride on his head and run wild. Zhuang Jianye is a dignified and good-looking man. He has dignity and backbone. He will never bow his head or bend his back for Wen Yuhua.

Even Wen Yuhua has a job.

Zhuang Jianye had never compromised for Wen Yuhua before. Wen Yuhua is easy to coax. With just a look or a word from him, Wen Yuhua will be considerate and give Zhuang Jianye what he needs with both hands.

Wen Yuhua had never been cruel to him. She would not make demands on Zhuang Jianye. Her kindness to Zhuang Jianye was sincere and she did not ask for anything in return. Even if she had a little emotion, she would digest it silently.

Regardless of how bad Wen Yuhua was towards others and how much he ignored him, towards Zhuang Jianye, Wen Yuhua had always been gentle, considerate and considerate.

Zhuang Jianye was frightened by Wen Yuhua's humiliation of Leng Buding, but he also found it quite novel.

As the saying goes, beating means kissing and scolding means loving. Wen Yuhua must have been jealous because of the close relationship between him and Dong Xue, and was flirting with him. The harder she scolds, the more she likes him and cares about him.

As long as he was gentle, coaxed her, gave Wen Yuhua a sense of security, and let Wen Yuhua know that he cared about her, she would not be angry for long.

With this in mind, Zhuang Jianye stood up and stopped sitting with Dong Xue in order to let Wen Yuhua calm down. He looked at Wen Yuhua sincerely and explained to her in a soft voice: "Xiaohua, Dong Xue and I just have a normal relationship. It is impossible for us to be together. Don't get me wrong."

"I didn't misunderstand, haha." Wen Yuhua Smiling, he answered Zhuang Jianye seriously: "It's impossible for us to have a childhood relationship. Don't get me wrong. Haha, I don't like you, you're too ugly."

Wen Yuhua definitely meant what he said. talk.

But Zhuang Jianye didn't believe it.

He thought Wen Yuhua was angry with him. He looked at Wen Yuhua helplessly with a smile, becoming more and more certain that Wen Yuhua was teasing him. He looked at Wen Yuhua tolerantly, as if she was making trouble unreasonably, just like Zhuang Jianye was having a temper or acting coquettishly.

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