Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31

Li Mengzhou is too stupid to be considerate, and it would be very difficult to talk to such a straight man. Wen Yuhua was angry for a while, then let herself go and stopped competing with him.

"It's okay. It's too hot. I'm not in a good mood and I'm talking nonsense. Don't take it to heart, and don't worry about me. If you're in a hurry to go to the cafeteria, just leave first. I'm going to find a place to cool off."

Wen Yuhua said. She dug into her pocket, took out the meal ticket everyone gave her, and handed it to Li Mengzhou. It was nothing. She asked him with an expression: "Everyone wants it? Do you remember what to eat? If you remember, this? I'll give you the money." "Okay."

Li Mengzhou looked at Wen Yuhua, then at Wen Yuhua's hands, and with the money in his heart, he scratched his head naively and said, "Sorry, I didn't remember. If you're hot, just take a rest. I'll wait for you nearby." "

Li Mengzhou isn't really hopelessly stupid. When he saw the big beads of sweat on Wen Yuhua's forehead and thought of the fact that Wen Yuhua was in poor health, he understood where he was wrong.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn’t mean it. He was just used to running to the cafeteria to grab food, forgetting the fact that Wen Yuhua was in poor health and could not walk quickly. He originally wanted to apologize to Wen Yuhua.

But Wen Yuhua was obviously angry with him and didn't want to talk to him anymore. Li Mengzhou didn't want to offend Wen Yuhua by saying the wrong thing again, so he smartly waited where he was without doing anything else.

Li Mengzhou's honest appearance really made Wen Yuhua feel a lot less unhappy. Her legs were short and she couldn't keep up with Li Mengzhou's pace. It was not Li Mengzhou's fault. Wen Yuhua really shouldn't have angered the other party and lost her temper with him.

She won't be a little potato forever! One day, she will grow taller and have long legs again! Thinking of this, Wen Yuhua wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to walk with Li Mengzhou towards the cafeteria under the hot sun.

But this time, Li Mengzhou felt much smarter? He tried to slow down and was very serious about accommodating Wen Yuhua. Wen Yuhua really couldn't walk very fast, and she was misunderstood as having poor health, but she didn't explain it. Slowly moving to the canteen, Wen Yuhua found a seat, sat down firmly, and directed Li Mengzhou to queue up.

When Li Mengzhou arrived in line to eat, Wen Yuhua stepped forward. Under Li Mengzhou's shocked eyes and the inquiring and curious eyes of others, he felt that it was not bad at all. He gave mine manager Li what they wanted to eat. It's all done.

After finishing the meal, Wen Yuhua handed the lunch box to Li Mengzhou and couldn't wait to part ways with him. "Okay, you go back first with your net bag. I want to go home for dinner. I don't have anything to do in the afternoon, so I won't go, Uncle Li."

"Okay." Li Mengzhou nodded obediently.

After walking out of the canteen and completely out of Wen Yuhua's sight, Li Mengzhou let out a sigh of relief. It seems that Wen Yuhua is still the same Wen Yuhua, and has not changed at all. Although she has become smarter, she is still as uncertain as before, which makes him very confused.

From now on, he should avoid her and show up less often in front of her. Otherwise, if they don't get along, he will make Wen Yuhua angry next time they meet. It's really strange. He obviously has a good temper, but why can't he always do well against Wen Yuhua?

It's so strange that Li Mengzhou can't figure it out. Wen Yuhua didn't have this doubt. She turned around and forgot about Li Mengzhou.

Wen Yuhua is picky about food now. An Xiaohua's cooking skills are the best in the world, and it's really not Wen Yuhua's fault. Having eaten so much good food in his two lifetimes, Wen Yuhua truly felt that An Xiaohua's cooking skills deserved the title of the best cook in the world.

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