A New Era

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"Hey, my name is Troy Barnes, and this is the start of my new life as a superhero... little did I know how crazy things would get for me... and everyone in my life....".

Suddenly, there was a crackle & then a boom sound so loud it woke me up from my sleep as I jumped out of bed and looked outside of my bedroom window as I saw nothing but dark clouds in the orange-yellow sky as I sigh in annoyance and stumbled over to my phone and turned it on and saw that the time was 5:35 am... and I yawned as my body still felt exhausted from yesterday's party that me and my friend had while my parents were out of town for a few days... "Don't worry, I asked for permission first..." I rubbed my face and went inside my bathroom & turned on the faucet to wash my face to wake myself up more than I was previously, then I walked to my shower faucet and turn it on and shifted it to hot water as I stretched then proceeded to get undress of my PJ's & put them away into a dirty bin afterwards I stepped into the shower and got myself clean after 15-20 mins or so I stepped out the shower and dried myself off & looked at my mirror and saw my reflection I could see my moist dark skin & my pale brown eyes as my black and sliver hair as all fuzzy then finished drying my body and put the dirty towel into a another basket and checked the time on my phone as it now 5:47am then I put it down and grabbed my underwear and put it aswell with my black pants and purple T-shirt then I grabbed my phone & charger and headed downstairs then I would quickly make eggs & bacon for myself to eat as I turned the living room tv on and it was on the news channel and I could hear one of the newscaster say "Today's is a big day for the science company Xenotec will be having a human trial test at the town hall in the center of the city and I hear that some people are excited and others are concerned about what this could do to the human body." I scoffed at the news as I thought changing the body genes could for sure go terribly wrong... as I began eating my breakfast, I would listen more to what they're were saying on the tv, "So Fred, how exactly will Xenotec be doing human trials?"

and the other newscaster responded with "Yes Jeremy, so from what I've heard, they'll will have giant pods and you'll have to get into the pod as your body will go under water & certain chemicals will be injection into you're body and that should alter your DNA" then Jeremy replied "Are we sure that's completely safe for the public?" and Fred said "Well Xenotec says it's completely fine and has been tested on animals, and the creatures are just fine." I think to myself.

"I can just feel something might go wrong, but at least I won't be going, ha..." I wiped my face and turned off the tv and checked the time again, and it was 6:15 am, and I walked out the door & headed to my bus stop.

The eary morning was chilly as I shivered from time to time as I walked to my bus stop as I put in my earbuds and listened to music & hummed along as I walked faster to my stop as the clouds were still dark and looked like they're could pop any sec now but I just kept on walking & was prepared to take out an umbrella if necessary then I reached my stop and sat down on the blue & black bench as now I waited for my bus to arrive as I looked at my phone & glared at social media and had seen buch of hastags & trending pages like "Crazy Lab" or "Doomsday" heck even " EvilCorporate" I didn't know what to think about all of this crazy news I think that Xenotec is just wanting to help the world but how many people have said that and turned out to be monsters instead.....

I'd just hoped that Xenotec was supposed to be the good guys and not some greedy & corruption company try to get rich off other people failures... I sighed as I could hear my bus coming around the corner as the loud yellow bus drove to my stop I stood up and the doors open as I stepped inside and walked down the aisle and found my seat and sat in it and looked out the window and could hear another thunder noise in the sky as I looked up at the dark clouds.

The bus would drive past my stop and out of my neighborhood and they're would enter other neighborhoods as I continued looking out the window while I could feel my eyes getting sleepy as I yawned again and fell asleep against the hard glass bus window and now I was dreaming & in the dream I was a driving in the city & I could hear sirens and screams coming from around the corner so I pressed down on the car & drove over as fast as I could while feeling shaky as I saw a building on fire and as I got out of my black doge charger suddenly 2 cars came speeding into eachother and exploded on in impact then I saw one of the car that would familiar it was a silver Mercedes that my cousin drove so I rushed over as fast I could to the cars while I could feel the heat from the fire & the smell of the gasoline spilling out... I'd try to pull the car door off as I gave it one big pull it came off, and I fell to the ground, and then my cousin body fell out of the car as his body hit the ground I had a bad feeling that he wasn't with us anymore as I touch his chest the cars exploded again & I jumped up wake from my dream after I gathered myself for a few minutes I heard the *creeking pop noise* from the bus signaling that it had stopped and I looked out the window & we had arrived at the school.

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