Class 203

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As the other students stood up from their seats, I also got up while waiting for an opportunity to leave my seat. I stretched my upper back & and yawned, then I stepped out into the aisle and walked to the front of the bus while having my bookbag on one shoulder as I stepped down the metal stairs I looked up at my high-school "Cresent High" the school I've been attending since I was 14 and it's been a few crazy incidents here... like fights  then muisc stars came to perform that one time or the time during the school's camping trip...strange I know but I do love this school as I walked through the front doors I could smell the breakfast soaring through the air I had to resist myself from getting hungry as I walked to a clear area in the building I sat down on the floor and waiting for the bell to ring as I was watched different students walk throughout the building then I once again yawned & I was looking for my best friend Vlayd he's been my best friend since 9th grade he is a pretty chill guy thankfully he doesn't try to get into any fights or do something dumb like that suddenly as I binked the 8:12am bell rang very loudly in my ears as I stood up & walked to my first class.

I'd whistle as I walked to my class and I pass by rows of white colored lockers and rooms of class then walked through hoards of rushing students I would finally reach my class it was unfortunately a math class for my first period thankfully it didn't last for that I would sigh as I entered the classroom and sit down near the front of the class as my best friend Vlayd would step inside the class as he would sit next to me and we did a high five & chuckled while he was Caucasian with blue eyes & slick brown hair while wearing a blue T-shirt and a black Jacket with black pants & grey Jordan's then he would ask me a question "Hey Troy did you finish last night's homework?" As I nodded my head and said "Yeah I finished it, man, before we had the party, didn't you? He would lean over to me and say "Yeah ofc I did, man, just checking sure that you were able to do it." He would let out a small laugh as he turned to his backpack & pulled out the homework papers as I would do the same and lay them on the desk.

The teacher Mrs.Sands would close the door and walk down in-between the desks and pick up all the homework papers from the desk after she was done then she went back to her desk and put them away into a cabinet labeled "first period" as she sits down at her desk she said "I hope that you've heard that day will be an easy release day." As she said that, I was shocked and looked at Vylad & he looked at me confused."You didn't know that today was an early release day? and I said back "No why would today be an early release day?" He then said,"It's because of what's happening today at city hall with that company everyone is talking about." I sighed and grumbled and turned my attention back to Mrs. Sands as she spoke up "Well Today we're been doing some quick learning on ratios & factions.

I looked up at the time every now & then while taking down notes in my textbook as Mrs.Sands continued her teaching about topics we've been learning since 3rd grade or whatever as she would finally stop teaching & sit at her desk the next class bell would ring and all the students would stand up & walk out of the classroom as I walked out and waited for Vylad as he came out the classroom we would start walking to the next class 203 our history class as we turned the corner to go upstairs I would notice a familiar looking girl with white hair & Caucasian skin and having magenta eyes as she pasted us it didn't even seemed like she'd noticed us as I waved at her and she didn't wave back while we walked the upstairs Vylad said "That Kyra girl can be pretty weird sometimes..." and I responded with "Yeah hey doesn’t she have a job at that, Xenotec company?"Then he said,"I'm not sure, man, but I think she does..."I took a deep breath as we reached the top steps and turned left while walking down the hall on which our class was. I started thinking about my dream again... "I wish that I would have been able to save my cousin... on a day like that, so much happened & I realized my dream was more like a bad memory...

Me and Vylad stepped inside the classroom & took our steats in the middle row of the chairs as other students would also come in behind us and our history teacher Mr.Burrows was standing by his project board as the remaining students took there seats and he looked over at every last one of us...with excitement "So class how many of you want super powers?" Half of the classroom including me & Vylad raised our hands, and Mr. Burrows let out a soft chuckle while looking out at the class. "Because a superhero has many responsibilities tho with's Xenotec's experiment today, someone could become one who knows... however, I want everyone to write a 5 page essay on what their powers would be and their superhero names it's due tomorrow, so don't think of wasting your time in this class." Mr.Burrows walked over to his desk and put on a video about Xenotec and what they're were capable of as I watched the video and took out a piece of paper I couldn't stop thinking about the accident with my cousin.

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