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'Both Parties acknowledge that they may engage in romantic or intimate relationships with other individuals during the duration of the marriage

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'Both Parties acknowledge that they may engage in romantic or intimate relationships with other individuals during the duration of the marriage.'

I wasn't actually going to call that asshole in the middle of the night but the open relationship clause didn't sit well with me.

What the fuck does he mean by other individuals?

The third ring went through yet he wouldn't answer the call, how could he sleep after taking away mine? I kept calling until he finally answered the call, the third call.

"The fuck do you want at 3 in the morning, Seerat?" I heard him say, he's got a nice voice if we ignore what he's saying and the clear annoyance in his voice. Waking up next to him won't be-

Don't get off the track Seerat, focus.

"What do you mean by an open relationship?" I asked, getting straight to the reason why I called him.

I heard him groan before hearing the sheets ruffle, "You want me to explain an open relationship to you now? You couldn't wait till the morning?" He asked, "During the marriage, you can get into a relationship with-"

"You mean cheating?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I forgot the part where any of this was mentioned to be real?" He retorted, "I don't care if you go and fall in love with someone during those eight months, just maintain secrecy."

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked, if this man was in front of me, I would've thrown the document in his face and left, "Are you going to engage in...relationships while being married to me?" I asked.

If he says yes, I am out of it. I don't want to be the other woman, fake or not.

"No." He answered, "But I don't have a problem-"

"Neither will I." I replied, "I don't want this clause in the final document." I added, "And about the residency, will I have to move in with you?"

"Yes Seerat, married people usually live together if you aren't already aware." He replied, the calm in his voice seemed more sarcastic than calmness, "You're the mother of my child, don't forget."

"I understand."

"Good. I'll remove the open relationship clause from the contract, and finish reading the rest and don't call me again, we'll discuss this tomorrow." He replied, "Text me your address, I'll pick you up at 8." He added before hanging up, not waiting for a response.

I immediately dialled his number again but he switched off his phone.

I still haven't told Mishthi about it, how would she react when I tell her? Probably something dreamy and impossible like her books.

I have read the agreement thrice and now I can't sleep. I'll have to live with a man for eight months straight. A man who doesn't seem very likeable at the moment, it won't be worse than my parents, would it?

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