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I was lying in bed with half my body hanging down from it, finally able to breathe through my nose

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I was lying in bed with half my body hanging down from it, finally able to breathe through my nose. The relief was immense, but the lingering fatigue of the cold still clung to me. My throat felt raw, and my head throbbed with a dull ache.

I had slept last night after having the soup and didn't wake up until it was afternoon. The sleep was deep and dreamless, the kind that made it feel like I was waking from a long hibernation.

The room was bathed in soft sunlight filtering through the curtains, and for the first time in days, I felt somewhat rested.

A knock on the door made me force myself into sitting up, "Come in," I managed to say, hoping he heard me because my throat wouldn't allow me to talk any louder.

The door opened a moment later. I was fully expecting it to be Sahaj, but it was Zaran.

He took one look at me and smirked. "Hmm...if it isn't the walking contagion. Should I be worried about catching the plague?"

I rolled my eyes, a small smile tugging at my lips despite how miserable I felt. "Very funny, Zaran," I croaked. "What are you doing here?"

He walked over and handed me a small bag. "Your husband said you were sick."

"He's home?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, pulling up a chair beside the bed. "How are you holding up?"

I shrugged. "I've been better. It's just a cold, but it feels like it's taking forever to go away."

He nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, you look like you got hit by a truck and then a car ran over you after that."

"Hey, I don't look that bad." I frowned, "But...you were right about that hoe." I added, taking a long sniff in the hope ing my nose.

He warned me about a blonde before the party, he said the one who'd look like she stepped out of a fashion magazine and straight into a reality TV show would be Anamika and he wasn't wrong.

He did say that she'll try to cause trouble but I expected my namesake of a husband to handle her and he was doing that until he was alone in the balcony with her.

"Anamika? Told you. She hovers around men like a mosquito on a hot summer night...especially men younger than her." He winced, his face twisting in an unpleasant frown, "She tried to touch me when I was high once."

I raised my brows, he did drugs? Always wanted to try it but my unsocial self never found someone to help me in doing illegal stuff.

"Really?" I asked, "Where was Sahaj?"

"Sleeping in his room." He snorted, "Accidentally took sleeping pills instead of the ones I bought for his fever, then he drank some whiskey and ended up sleeping for a whole day."

I shook my head at his stupidity, "Tell me you at least pressed charges against her." I asked hopefully.

"Didn't you see her crooked nose?" He asked.

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