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Chirag stepped back into the office, dropping two more files on the table, my eyes went wide as I looked at Sahaj, he gotta hire a lawyer for me if those two files were somehow related to us because there was no way I was reading it anymore

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Chirag stepped back into the office, dropping two more files on the table, my eyes went wide as I looked at Sahaj, he gotta hire a lawyer for me if those two files were somehow related to us because there was no way I was reading it anymore.

"These aren't related to your case," He told me, "I hope there's no confusion?"

"No," Sahaj answered, "Did you talk to the marriage registrar?" He asked.

"Yes," Chirag answered, why am I even here? "Next time, give me a heads up. You can't just fast forward the process to your convenience." He loosened his tie as he took a seat.

"How long will it take?" Sahaj asked, picking up a pen and taking the document out of my hands as he signed it, turning pages.

"A week maximum," Chirag answered, "Be prepared when I ask you to return the favour." He added before turning to me as he forwarded his hand, I looked at him in confusion. What does he want?

I kept my phone in his hand, watching him turn his gaze on Sahaj, shaking his head.

He kept the phone down, "Sign this and not one word about this to anyone." He said, "I hope you've told her about the consequences." He said to Sahaj.

"What consequences?" I asked, not taking the pen from him.

"You'll have to pay-"

"She won't say anything," Sahaj interrupted, "Sign." He said to me, "We'll talk later."

"You'll hide things from me now?" Chirag raised his brows, "I thought it was bros before-"

"Shut up."

"-fake wives." He completed what he wanted to say anyway. A very much Mishthi thing to do. I can put a tape on her mouth, sure she'll give me a look that could kill but would definitely complete the sentence she intended to say.

You cannot stop her.

"Can you leave for a moment?" Sahaj asked Chirag, "Chaturvedi was asking about you."

"God, I'm tired of that woman." Chirag covered his face with his hand, "I'm going to make her cry today, just watch." He added before walking out of the office yet again. What did that poor woman do to him?

Sahaj stood up, holding my hand just as I was going to sign, "What now?" I asked.

"No love drama, right?" He asked.

"I'd rather die than fall in love with you," I replied, pulling my hand out of his hold.

"Great." He replied, "Don't want a whiny little ex-wife by the end."

"I'll see who cries when I'll leave." I narrowed my eyes, scribbling my signature everywhere it was needed, "I'll even change my number so you can't reach me after those eight months."

"You think I'd try to call you?" He snickered, "I would have married someone else if not you, don't consider yourself special." He added.

"You think you can make anyone other than yourself feel special? That's cute." I got up from the chair, "Tell your friend I know how to read, I won't share anything about the contract, he doesn't have to worry about the consequences." I added, looking at the watch. I can open the bakery, there's a lot of time on my hands.

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