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It 4:32am August 4th, 1901 in the gloomy streets of Small Heath, a women sat, cradling her stomach and screaming in pain, sweat dripping from her forehead as she sat in her long night gown. Polly Grey sat next to her, gripping her hand and coaxing her through her labour. A 7 year old ada was rubbing sleep from her eyes as she cringed watching the women, trying her hardest to avert her eyes from the sight while also offering as much help as she could.

Martha Shelby had gathered Arthur Sr and all of her sons, including the about to be born child's father, and pushed them along to the Garrison. She was also attempting to aid amber through her pregnancy but to no avail as the women was wailing so loud and was in such a state of delirium that she had definitely not heard Martha's words of encouragement.

Despite the fact that all three of the women helping amber had a strong distaste for her, they would still help as much as they could as the baby she was currently birthing was the newest member of their clan. Ada was convinced that all of Small Heath could hear the woman's wails, she was tempted to roll her eyes but after accidentally taking a peek at the head currently coming out of the women, she ran to the bathroom to empty her guts, now understanding why she was reaching the volume she was.

Once Ada had returned to her spot on the side of Amber, the front door burst wide open, all four women turning their heads towards the noise. A young Thomas Shelby ran in first, pushing past his father to get to his fiancé. The other three trailed behind tommy, Auther Sr shooting daggers to everyone in the room before stumbling off to the betting den. Auther and John stood there bickering with each other about something or other.

"I thought I told you to go to the bleeding pub?" Polly spat at the three brothers, who had now stopped bickering. Tommy was stroking ambers head and speaking words of encouragement while she was screaming at his to piss off and that it was his fault she was in this pain.

"Yeah well it was closed was- oh fucking hell that is not a sight I want to see fuck me!" An 11 year old John shouted as he had accidentally traumatised himself, covering his eyes and trying to hold in a gag.

19 year old Arthur patted him on the back "it's all right John boy, it's all just part of life, innit?" Now in a state of giggles.

Another loud wail left ambers mouth, followed by a loud sigh. The baby had been born into pols arms and instead of crying, its eyes searched around the room, not sure what to do.

"It's a girl, a beautiful baby girl." Polly smiled as she wrapped the baby in a blanket and handed her to amber.

"Tommy" amber began, tommy not being able to take his eyes off of his new daughter. "Go and get me my bag, now."

Everyone had disapproved when Tommy told his family that he had gotten a girl up the duff at only 16 years old. But, once hearing that it was Amber Aliff, their shouts were louder then Ambers during her labour. Amber was known as a large Birmingham whore who was heavily addicted to snow and would do almost anything for the right price. Not to mention that she was 23 years old and had told Thomas if he didn't plan to marry her, she would leave with his child and never return.

"Not now, ey love? You've just had a baby ey? Why don't you have a sleep?" Arthur tried to convince her after seeing the hurt on tommys face.

"Oh fuck off Arthur this has nothing to do with you." She spat back, placing down the baby to try and reach for the bag herself.

"Don't put her on the floor!" Ada shouted as the baby started to cry in protest.

"It's alright Ada, love." John said, walking over to the little girl and taking her into his arms. While John was only young, he looked at this baby and felt nothing but happiness. How his brother made such a perfect thing was beyond him.

"What are you going to name her love?" Martha asked and she went to stroke toms back, who hadn't yet moved a single muscle, as he sat there staring at his daughter.

"I um, i, I'm not sure." He stuttered out. His fiancé had managed to get to the sofa and was now sniffing cocain off of her thumb, not at all bothered about the children in the room or giving a single care for her newborn daughter.

"Do you want to hold her?" Polly asked him as both Arthur and Ada had now crowed next to John to see the small infant.

"I can't, I'll, what if I brake her?" He asked, his voice was dry and his face was pale, but his eyes were flooded with tears and were trained on his daughter.

"You won't brake her love, I promise." Martha said with a smile as Polly reached to pass him her.

His whole world came to a halt at the new life that was now cradled in his arms. How had he managed to make this small thing? How had he managed to create this? How was he supposed to look after it? While he wasn't sure on either of these things, he knew one thing, that he could and would protect this little girl with his life. He vouched to himself, even if that meant burning the entire world around her.

"Evangeline Martha Shelby." He spoke, a small tear dripping into her check and making her squirm a small bit.

"Such a beautiful name." Ada gasped, both of her older brother stood by her shoulders as the whole family watched Evangeline live her first few minutes of life, other than her own mother who was still stuffing her nose with substances and drinking the house dry.

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