"Who's duke?!" Victory looked at Knight.
"He's an old lab partner of ours." Her eyes hardened and turned icy. Slushy wrapped his arm around her waist. "He backstabbed us. Tried to turn us to the dark side."
"He hears voices, and he talks back to them, sometimes he gets mad and throws things at the walls." Knight stated and relaxed in Slushy's arms.
"He was a cool once, then something happened. We don't know exactly when or what happened. We just know it did, and after a while it began to show in his work. We tried talking to him about it, to help him, but he lashed out at us. We were forced to leave. Now he is still lashing at us, but I think theres a but more to why he's targeting Knight." Slushy grabbed Knight's hand. "Maybe we should head back to the base?"
"Yea. The robot might come back soon." The trio started to walk back to the base, half way there Victory came to a halt. "Someone's out there..." Her eyes narrowed at the bushes.
"I'll handle it, you two go inside." Slushy walked towards the bush while Victory and Knight went inside and looked out the window.
"I can't see him!" Knight muttered.
"Chill out, he can handle it." Victory glared at her.
"You don't understand I-I like him."
"You what?" Slushy looked at Knight. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with color. His shirt was tattered, showing some of his well built body, he had a fresh scratch on his upper right cheek, and some sweat beaded on his forehead.
"I like you, I always have...." Knight studied him up and down. He smiled softly at her, "Well I've always liked you." He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
Victory stood there awkwardly. "Well who was out there?" She finally spoke up, interuppting the two lovebirds.
"Duke. But I chased him off, for now at least." Slushy looked deep into Knight's icy eyes.
"Get a room you two or cuddle of the sofa." Victory chuckled softly.