Car race (Chapter6)

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Kiara Kapoor

I woke up with a throbbing headache.

I sat up straight on the bed while a dog was watching me from the corner of the room i am trying to recall how i ended up here but can't because of the headache

I started panicking when I couldn't recognise my surroundings
I quickly got up but was saved by a pair of arms when, i opened my eyes it was none other than dhruv

Omg how am I here and why ?
did you bring me here?
Was I kidnapped ?
Last I remember being in a club how am I here ??was I taken advantage of ??
I was asking all these questions
When he put a finger on my lips and told me to calm down and offered me pills and a glass of water

What's this pill for?
"Your headache".he said

How do you know that I have a headache ? I questioned him

everyone gets a headache after alcohol night

how did you know i had alcohol ?
Last night you were in the bar drunk dancing when 2-3 guys were looking at you with filthy eyes so i escorted you from there

you know what you did when you were sitting in front on my bike while facing me ?

"What ?" I asked
You don't wanna know trust me  you won't believe me if i told you
He said
I wanna know trust me, just tell me already

Fine, you dry humped me on our way here on the bike and slept  while doing it

Omg I am so sorry I didn't mean to I was not in my senses I don't remember even 1% of what I did yesterday I am so sorry

Chill, Itsok

Omg  I am so embarrassed I am sorry

itsok, i liked it anyway he whispered but i pretended i didn't hear

Get ready then i will give you a ride home and also  have breakfast before you go your towel is in there and some clothes are in the cupboard

How did you get woman's clothes ?

I bought it

At 10:30 in the morning ?
I can do anything sweetheart you just have to say it

Your order is my command darling

Anyways,you should get ready  you told your parents you will be home before lunch.

By the way,what's his name I asked pointing at the dog

Oh hi baby Leo
I gave him a nice pat on his head
In return he gave me a handshake shortly after dhruv went out of the room with leo,leaving me alone in the room but not before saying get ready

I quickly got ready and changed into the clothes he had kept in the cupboard and there was a bag I figured it was for me but still I asked his housekeeper as he was in the shower and she said yes it is kept for you only.

I quickly packed my clothes that I had worn earlier into the bag and sat on one of the chairs 

Leo was looking up at me so i figured  he wanted to sit up on the table as well so, I pull out a chair for him beside me and he quickly jumped on it .

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