Chapter 9

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Dhruv Singhania
I am going to pick her up for our trip she will be blindfolded and as her mom said she usually sleeps on the airplanes she instantly dozes off on the airplane, so I will have no problem of her getting to know about the surprise and we are going in my private jet not flying commercial so she will be very comfortable before I rang the bell her mom came from the back door kept all her luggage in the trunk.

Kiara Kapoor
I was about to eat my food when the bell rang I quickly ran to open the door as I, opened the door there was someone hiding behind a bouquet of flowers and as they guy forwarded the flowers I could see his face and there he was Dhruv

Dhruv, hi what are you doing here, Our date is tomorrow remember?
I asked

Yes I remember but I am here to pick you up a little early because I have a surprise for you , We are going on a dinner then a surprise is waiting for you

Ok, I said as I told him to come in and took the flowers from him and put it in a vase and put some water in it so they don't get dry .

What do you wanna eat ?, I asked

"whatever you wanna eat , I am fine with it".

Ok so,why don't we order cheese chilly toast and some pita bread and humus

Ya , why not
We ordered our food and got to know each other  likes and dislikes
and we are so similar 80% of our  like and dislikes are the same
His bucket list trips and my trips are literally the same most of the things we like are the same  he has the same parenting view as me he wants to have 2 kids after marriage but down to have more if the girl is comfortable

We finished our dinner paid the bill well ,he payed the bill he is such a gentleman from opening the doors to paying the bill he has done every gentleman thing possible .

Anyways, we went to our car and said to me  he has a surprise for me and blindfolded me

Dhruv Singhania
I blindfolded her as she sat in the car and started the engine to drive off to the private airport I started the r94.3 radio channel for english songs and they were playing one of my favourite songs but daddy I love him by taylor swift as it had just started to play we both started jamming to it and singing
I am having his baby no I am not but you should see your faces i
My jaw dropped on the floor when I was hearing that for the first time then we sang
The alchemy
So high school
I hate it here
It is one of the best moments the way she sings and knows all about Taylor swift is like awesome she is
Such a big fan of Taylor swift just like me as we reached the airport I stopped the car and gave the keys to my driver and as I opened the car door and she asked me if we reached or not so I said no we haven't I quickly picked her up and she put arms around my neck , her
Breath fanning my cheek as I
quickly climbed up the stairs to my private jet with her in my arms
I quickly made her sit on one of the seats and told one of the air hostess to tell the pilot to not announce anything just to come at my seat and whisper it to me through you I said to the air-hostess.

Fifteen minutes later

The plane started moving and air hostess let me know we are going to take off as the plane caught the sped and we were in the sky , I was about to ask if my sweetheart need something but she had already slept , her mom said it right she sleeps like a baby in a flight once slept no one can wake her up for hours .

I asked the air-hostess for some champagne and also , fully reclined sweetheart's seat .

I had some champagne watched
Madgaon express movie on prime video on of the best movie I have seen lately and  then took secretly some photos she looked  incredible even while sleeping well , even I slept while looking at her .

7 hours later

The air-hostess was waking me up and letting me know we have reached   So I quickly got ready and woke up sweetheart  and told her  to get up and just wash her face and so I opened her blindfold and told her to  just wash her face I am sure she won't realise  it until she has completely woken up from her sleep well , she came out after fixing herself and washing her face
and   blindfolded her again  , As I said I have a surprise for you .

We got in the car as I opened the door for her and we got in the Ferrari while we were sitting in the car ,I was thinking of how she told me once  that her dream place is ......

We reached our destination I said to Kia as I,  parked the car and opened the door for her helped her get out of the car as I unfolded her blindfold and as she got familiar with her surroundings
She realised where she was and immediately asked Are we really in Paris or I am just imagining it

Yes , darling we are in Paris and this is our date destination  and look in front of you  it's the Eiffel Tower

Kiara Kapoor
We were in a car when Dhruv said to me we have reached he helped me out of the car and opened my blindfold as I got familiar to my surroundings it took me a minute for me to get familiar with my surroundings as I was blindfolded the whole time , I realised I was not in the us I am in Paris .

Are we in Paris or am i just imagining it ? I asked him immediately once I got familiar to my surroundings
Omg I can't believe you would do this for me omg Thankyou so much
I can't believe you did this for me
I got in my tiptoes and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek

So did you like the surprise ? He asked

Of course, I loved it hands down the best surprise I have ever gotten I mean a trip to my dream place for a date in the city of love

I can't believe you did this for me , Thank you so much

He told me there are more surprises to come just sit back and enjoy he said as we sat in the car to go to our hotel , but wait my luggage my clothes and stuff? I don't have clothes I said

Don't worry, darling your suitcase is in the hotel all checked in .

how did you get my clothes and stuff ?

"Your mom was in on the surprise and I actually asked your moms permission for this trip"

Wow, I can't believe my mom was in on this surprise and she gave you permission for this trip that means you really made a good first impression and at this point I think she will even say yes for our marriage .

"Yes she did she literally told me you can even marry my daughter but only because when she found out that I am her best friends son and she has seen me when I was a baby"

Ohh , thatswhy no wonders she said yes

We reached the hotel lobby ,and he gave me the keys for my room

So darling ,
will you go on a date with me ?

(1331) words sorry I left you on a cliffhanger but don't worry maybe there will be another update tomorrow idk I can't promise anything.
Pls vote and comment and lmk how was the chapter and pls engage on reel that I am gonna post soon
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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