Chapter 6- Loss of a brother

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Third Person POV

As Izuku arrived at school, he was met with the usual glares of his classmates, a sight he had grown accustomed to over the years. The sneers, the whispered insults, and the occasional shove in the hallway had become part of his daily routine-a painful reminder of his isolation. Despite the hostility, he kept his head down and walked to his desk, his face a mask of indifference.

He could hear the hushed conversations around him, some discussing the latest hero news while others gossiped about trivial matters. Yet, amidst the noise, he could sense the undercurrent of disdain directed toward him, a constant reminder of his perceived insignificance.

As he sat down, his mind drifted back to the plan he had been forming for months now. It was risky, but he knew it was the only way to break free from the chains of his past, to break free from his so-called family. While he was thinking this, his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"You still coming to school, huh? Figured you'd give up by now, Deku." These words came from Katsuki Bakugo, his former childhood friend turned tormentor, who stood in front of his desk, a sneer plastered on his face.

Izuku didn't flinch. He had long since grown numb to Bakugo's taunts. Instead, he met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "Why would I give up?" he replied calmly, his voice steady. "I have my reasons for being here."

Bakugo's sneer faltered for a moment. Normally, Izuku would just plain out ignore him; he wasn't expecting him to give a retort. But then Bakugo's expression hardened. "Whatever, loser. Just stay out of my way," he growled before stomping off to his own desk.

As the day dragged on, Izuku could feel the weight of the decision he was about to make pressing down on him. He knew it would change everything, not just for him but for those around him as well. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a small spark of excitement, a sense of liberation at the thought of finally taking control of his own fate-not allowing others to determine it for him.

By the time lunch rolled around, Izuku had made up his mind. He walked to the rooftop, a secluded spot where he often went to think. As he gazed out over the city, he took a deep breath, feeling the tension in his chest start to ease. The time was coming. Soon, he would be free.

But as he turned to leave, he noticed someone standing at the entrance to the rooftop, someone he thought would be one of the last people to come talk to him. It was Izuka. Her expression was one of determination mixed with uncertainty.

"Izuku," she called out softly, her voice carrying on the wind. "Can we talk?"

Izuku, upon hearing her words, just stared at her with a face displaying no emotion whatsoever. He hadn't talked to her in months, if not years. The only interaction he could remember with her were the times when she and her friends tormented him throughout his life. Any chance they got, he would be abused by them, either it be physical or mental.

Staring into Izuka's eyes, Izuku answered her with a coldness in his voice. "There's nothing to talk about," he replied. "You should go back inside."

Izuka, ignoring his words, continued to speak, determined to speak to her brother, determined to ease the guilt she had been feeling for a long time, determined to get back the brother she lost.

"I know I've hurt you," Izuka continued, ignoring his words. "And I know I can't undo the past... but I want to try to make things right. Please, just give me a chance."

Izuku's expression remained unreadable as he watched his sister, her words barely making a dent in the walls he had built around himself over the years. The pain of her betrayal, the countless instances of neglect, and the constant torment from his own family had hardened his heart. He felt nothing but a cold detachment toward the girl who once was his sister.

"You want to make things right?" Izuku's voice was low, almost a whisper, but it carried a weight that made Izuka flinch. "Do you even understand what you've done? All those years... you and them, always pushing me aside. Pretending like I wasn't even there. And now, you think a few words can fix everything?"

Izuka's eyes filled with tears, her resolve beginning to waver under the intensity of Izuku's gaze. "I know... I know words aren't enough," she said, her voice shaking. "But I want to start somewhere. I want to be your sister again. I want to help you."

Izuku laughed, a bitter, hollow sound that seemed to echo in the empty space around them. "Help me?" he repeated. "You can't help me. No one can. The damage is done, Izuka. And I'm not going to try to pretend like any of you actually care."

There was a moment of silence, the tension between them thick and palpable. Izuka could feel her heart breaking, the weight of her past actions crashing down on her like a wave. She knew she had lost him, lost the brother she had taken for granted, and now, it seemed, she would never be able to repair the damage she had caused.

"Is there really no way I can make it up to you?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper now, her eyes pleading.

Izuku turned his back on her, looking out over the city once more. "I don't know, Izuka," he said quietly. "But right now, I need to focus on myself. I need to get away from all of this... from you, from them. I need to find my own path."

Izuka took a hesitant step forward, her hand reaching out as if to touch him, to somehow bridge the gap between them. "Please, Izuku..."

But he didn't turn around. "Go back inside, Izuka," he said, his tone final. "There's nothing more to say."

With a heavy heart, Izuka turned and left, her footsteps echoing as she descended the stairs, tears streaming down her face. Izuku remained on the rooftop for a while longer, letting the cold wind whip around him, feeling a strange mix of sadness and relief. He knew he had to let go of the past if he wanted to move forward, even if it meant cutting ties with those who had once been his family.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. Today would be the day he would start anew, away from the shadows of his past.

As he made his way down the stairs, his resolve solidified. He had a plan, a way to break free from everything holding him back. It was risky, but he was ready. He couldn't live in this darkness any longer. It was time to step into the light, no matter what it took.

Izuku knew what he needed to do. And nothing, not even the remnants of his past, would stop him now.

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