Carmine Trailer

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A/N: Alright this is the fourth out of four trailers so it's the last trailer. Nero Armstrong is the major character. As the last trailer I derived his last name from his semblance which you will know when we start the trailer. So without further ado let's get to the trailer.


Downtown Vale was the "bad side of town" for a reason, a very good reason. There was an abandoned warehouse where a bunch of people were talking about their plans to stop a dust robbery attempt by the White Fang the next day. The person who was wearing a black long sleeve shirt under a red sleeveless jacket and a black fingerless glove with black pants and red shoes was talking to a group of teenage faunus. It was none other than Nero Armstrong, and he pretty much led a group of anti-White Fang people.

"Mason and I will handle the White Fang, while Erin, Eva and Elbas will take the stolen dust back from the White Fang." Nero asked if anyone had any questions or suggestions.

The group of faunus looked at each other before Nero spoke again. "I'll take that as a no," Nero said before leaving to the rooftop of the warehouse while Erin and Navy looked angrily at the leader who then left the room


Nero was seen sitting on the rooftop of the warehouse looking down at the street below. Eva was a beautiful and very attractive cat faunus. She had blonde hair with cat ears sticking out of her head. Eva then placed her hand on Nero's shoulder before sitting next to him. "Looking down at the streets from above is such a beautiful view, isn't it ?" Nero asked. "I guess it is" Eva answered.

"Why do you save humans from the rage of the White Fang?" Eva asked. "The White Fang are just a bunch of liars behind a mask. They don't even save faunus' from racial abuse." Nero answered, "They only make faunus' hated more and more with their schemes. I guess they're too blind to see that because of that mask."

"I believe that if the White Fang can be less destructive, maybe we'll earn the respect and rights we deserve, instead of being feared and hated for what we are." Nero finished. "I hope so." Eva said. "Do you think humans can change, and everyone will be equal?" Eva asked. "Not all humans are racists, but I guess with time and proper measures, most humans will come to like us for who we are." Nero answered very wisely.


In a dust shop named "Bites the Dust", a group of White Fang men, all wearing black and white clothes with a grim mask. A man with red and black hair, black horns, and black clothes with a grimm mask entered the dust shop last. Meanwhile, in the ceiling of that same dust shop, Nero and his team of people were watching the event play out from above.

"That's him," Nero said in a very dark tone. "Who is it?" Mason asked. "The one in red and black," Nero answered. "Isn't he just another white fang member?" Mason asked again curiously. In the dust shop, the White Fang members produced weapons to rob the dust and put it in crates bearing the white fang symbol. "You know the drill," The man in black and red said, placing his weapon, which was pretty much a sword with a red blade, dangerously close to the shop owner's neck. "Let's go!" Nero said to his team, noticing that lives were now at stake. They all jumped down, ready to confront the white fang.

Nero jumped off the ceiling and tried to punch the bull faunus in black and red. But the bull faunus used his blades to block the attack. The bull faunus used the blades to impale his opponent, but it was to no avail as Nero swiftly dodged the attacks from the bull faunus and elbowed his face four times. The bull faunus used his red sword to try and get a hit on him but Nero blocked the attack with the Burning Inferno, which were basically a pair of fingerless gloves with dust embedded in them.

Nero then kicked the bull faunus in his head making him lose his balance and appear a little bit dazed but as Nero was about to deliver a final punch which could end the fight the bull faunus once again used his sword to slash Nero but Nero held the sword and pushed it backward put on the defense once again.

Meanwhile Mason made quick work on the other white fang members. He formed a stone gauntlet on his hand as he punched a white fang member sending him flying two foots backwards and breaking his grimm mask. Another white fang member tried to attack him again but he punched him before turning his left leg to stone before kicking him which knocked him out. As Mason was about to kick the white fang member that mask running towards him Erin shot the man with his gauntlet knocking him out.

"You know I could take him," Mason said. "I wasn't so sure," Erin replied, smirking. Mason, Erin, Eva, and Elba took the crates full of the dust the White Fang had stolen. "We're ready to go," Mason said as they put the crates of dust in the truck the White Fang had come with. Mason entered the driver's seat, and the others stayed with the recovered goods as they drove away.

Nero, seeing that the recovery mission was complete, decided to end the fight once and for all. The bull faunus, trying to dodge an attack from Nero at his face, found an opening and used his second hand to punch his chest, causing a red glow of light. The bull faunus fell down in pain allowing Nero to leave.

"That's what they do. That's what all anti-White fang people do; they run." The bull faunus said in pain before tearing open his clothes to reveal a scorch mark on the area of his chest where Nero had punched him.


"We returned the stolen dust and the shopkeeper barked at us because of who we are" Mason said angrily. "Open your eyes, Nero." Erin said. "Us saving humans from the White Fang isn't going to change their thoughts about us. Don't you see?" Erin finished. "We're joining the White Fang; they can and will change the world with their measures. They are doing the right thing, and we're in their way." Elbas said

"What? Even you, Eva?" Nero asked. "Yes. We're leaving." Eva said as they all left, leaving Nero stunned and confused


Nero was in a park in Vale staring at some bushes when a girl with a bow tie and black-and-white clothes with black-to-purple leggings stood near him. Then Nero spoke to the girl who was beside him, not even knowing her. She said, "I wish there was a way to stop the White Fang. They are going to hurt so many people, even faunus." Then the girl replied, "There is. We just have to find it."


A/N: Alright this is the end of my forth and last trailer. The trailer might have ended on a sad note but that only makes me more eager to start writing the series. Nero Armstrong will carry on his now pessimistic attitude to the series and Nero somehow knows the bull faunus he fought in the dust shop and also Nero met a girl with a bowtie I'm the park. I guess that's all I have to say so remember to favorite, follow and review my stories (Of Diamonds and Rubies, The Legend of the Starwalker and this one Energized Rwbyverse). Until next time PEACE.

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