Chapter Seven: Warm Feathers

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"So what do we have here, boys?" asked a man with hawkish eyes. His face was long and narrow, handsome and predatory.

His boys were in fact two tall barrel-chested Switangian men, a thin man with hints of goblin ancestry and a strikingly handsome Bawikyan woman. She leaned forward and stared at Jieun.

"I've never seen her before, Taeyang. Perhaps she's a part of The Guild's new crop." The woman's golden hues were the source of Switang's current bronzing craze. Her features were hard, just shy of manly. She had a thin club tucked into her belt.

"Is Rocio correct, little one? Are you with The Guild or a freelancer?" He reached across the table and extended a finger to raise Jieun's chin.

She jerked away and stood.

"She doesn't look little at all, boss," one of the big men chuckled. "Nope, not little at all." The other big man nodded in yellow-toothed agreement.

Jieun proved two inches taller than Taeyang. He stared into her eyes with a mix of curiosity and challenge.

"You're taller than I thought. I like that." He licked his lips.

"There's something strange about her," hissed the half-goblin. One of his overly large ears twitched.

"There's something strange about you, Candy."

The gang all laughed.

Jieun glanced around, noticing that most of the patrons watched the interaction, though they pretended not to notice. The serving girl spoke hurriedly to the barkeep, and the entertainment watched with intent eyes without breaking his performance. Jieun couldn't find Chaleek.

"Candle-Eyes calls you strange," Taeyang said, coming around the table. "Are you strange, girl?"

Jieun's mind raced. The gang radiated violence and she couldn't draw her knife or call on The Winds without blowing her cover and drawing unwanted attention. She wasn't sure what they wanted, but it was highly likely she wouldn't want to give it. As if sensing her thoughts, Taeyang closed the last bit of distance between them.

"How about a kiss, strange one?" He puckered his lips, leaned forward then froze.

"How about you step away from her, dung cur." Chaleek's sword pressed against Taeyang's throat, the warrior's eyes cold.

"Where'd the nugget come from?" one of the big men asked dumbly.

Candle-Eyes unslung a shortbow, stepping back as he pulled an arrow from a thigh quiver. Rocio drew her club and took a few steps forward, stopping when Taeyang grunted. If Chaleek added even a little more pressure, he'd draw blood.

"Calm down, friend. There's no need for violence here. This conversation is between me and the lady." Despite the blade at his throat, Taeyang sounded calm, even amused.

"You're invading her space." Chaleek guided the man back with the flat of his sword. Placing himself in front of Jieun, he pointed his weapon at Taeyang's chest. "Anything you have to say to her, you can say to me."

Taeyang grinned though his expression seemed forced. The big men joined his side, hands on massive war clubs. Rocio stayed at Chaleek and Jieun's back, forcing them to split their attention. Jieun focused on the East Wind, realizing she might be forced to act in order to save their lives. Candle-Eyes kept his distance, ready to fire at the slightest provocation. Their leader rubbed his throat.

"I meant no disrespect. If the woman is yours, you need only say so."

"She is not property and doesn't deserve to be pawed at like some pleasure girl."

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